Sunday, May 25, 2014

Mungiki leader to spill beans on attack once discharged

By  | May 25, 2014

Njenga was in a convoy along the Nyahururu-Oljororok Road when men in a speeding vehicle sprayed them with bullets. Photo/CFM.
Njenga was in a convoy along the Nyahururu-Oljororok Road when men in a speeding vehicle sprayed them with bullets. Photo/CFM.
NAIROBI, Kenya May 25 – Former Mungiki leader Maina Njenga who survived a gun attack that killed five people on Saturday intends to reveal what he knows about it once he is discharged from hospital.

Njenga told journalists from his hospital bed that he will issue a comprehensive statement on the attack as soon as he is out of hospital.
“It looks like these are policemen who had been trailing us, but I will give more information later,” Njenga told journalists soon after the attack.
Two women, including Njenga’s lover were among the dead after their two vehicles were sprayed with bullets as they drove to Nyahururu.
The other two of those who died are Njenga’s drivers who also worked as his bodyguards, while the fifth is a close family member, according to people who know Njenga well.
One of the women was not shot but succumbed to injuries after an accident that occurred when the driver lost control of the vehicle which rolled several time, throwing the woman off on impact.
According to witness reports, Njenga was in a convoy along the Nyahururu-Oljororok Road when men in a speeding vehicle sprayed them with bullets.
“The vehicle was overtaking us while we suddenly saw the occupants brandishing guns and shot at us. I was shot on the hand and also a bullet cut my right finger,” he told journalists at the hospital where he was being treated of gunshot wounds on the shoulder and finger.
Nyandarua county police Chief Hamisi Mabea says they will investigate to establish if the attack was in any way linked to the rivalry, with other splinter groups, within the criminal gang.
“It is a matter we are investigating, we do not know anything about this killings at the moment,” Mabea said, and appealed to anyone with information to volunteer and assist the police.

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