
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Kalonzo very Unhappy with the Way Raila is being Welcomed

Kalonzo very Unhappy with the Way Raila is being Welcomed . He tried to oppose Raila’s Rally . Read here >>>>
By Cyprian Nyakundi On 31 May, 2014 At 10:32 AM | Categorized As Whispers | 
Believe it or Not. Kalonzo is a very unhappy man with the current way Raila is being welcomed after being in the USA for more than Two months. Kalonzo, who is a political nobody nowadays even tried to stop the preparations to welcome Raila home. Kalonzo is very unhappy that Raila is being given all the attention yet both are partners in the opposition. According to insiders, there was a disagreement between Kalonzo and Top ODM leaders especially from Nyanza when Kalonzo said that a Rally was not necessary.
But Kalonzo had to give in because everyone seemed to be exited with Raila’s homecoming. Kalonzo is very unhappy that Raila is getting a lot of political attention and there is a plan to declare him a presidential candidate come 2017. Kalonzo also wants to Vie for president in 2017 and he needs to market himself. Now you know.

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