
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Finally JAMES ORENGO And JAKOYO MIDIWO Say RAILA ODINGA Is A DICTATOR! – To Create A Fierce Rebellion In LUO Nyanza!

Saturday February 25, 2014 - Former Prime Minister, Raila Odinga, is currently swimming in murky waters, after two of his close lieutenants accused him of being a dictator.

In a night meeting held on Wednesday at a Nairobi Club, Siaya Senator, James Orengo and Gem MP, Jakoyo Midiwo, accused Mr Odinga of dictating to them on who will be elected as the ODM Secretary General in the upcoming party’s general elections in February 

The two leaders also accused the CORD leader of introducing dictatorial leadership in the Orange party.

This came after Raila Odinga urged Luo Nyanza leaders not to contest for the party’s Secretary General position saying it has been reserved for leaders outside Luo Nyanza.

But Orengo and Midiwo rubbished Raila’s move saying this is a way of killing democracy in the Orange party.

Orengo, who is contesting for Secretary General’s position in the party in particular said Raila is being unreasonable in his plot to have the region back nominated Senator, Agnes Zani, for the position and warned he would face a major rebellion. 

Midiwo on his part urged Raila to desist from involving himself in the Orange party politics and wait for the delegates to decide without his intervention.

“Raila should shut up and wait for the elections to be held. He should not support anybody in the elections,” Midiwo said.


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