
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Cydnee Leigh 12th Mann

New Seattle parents name daughter Cydnee Leigh 12th Mann … yes, that’s her legal name

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Cydnee Leigh 12th Mann (@Kings5Seattle}
Athletes often have some interesting birth names. But who knew a football team could inspire one of the oddest middle names we've ever heard?
Welcome to the world, Cydnee Leigh 12th Mann. Yes, that's her name. Her legally binding name. Inspired by the Super Bowl-bound Seattle Seahawks, we assume, based on her post-birth swaddling clothes. (Thanks to Big Lead, who first picked this story up.)
Welcome to the world, Cydnee Leigh 12th Mann. And yes, 12th really is her middle name.
— KING 5 News (@KING5Seattle) January 28, 2014
There was the Number 5 robot character from the "Short Circuit" movies (yes, plural). There was Agent 99 from "Get Smart," the 1960s TV show that still resonates in the form of reruns. And there was a character from the "Star Trek Voyager" show, we're told, named Seven of Nine. Who knew?
But Cydnee Leigh 12th? She's first in our book.

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