
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Mudavadi a relic of political history, says Kanduyi MP

Wednesday, November 27, 2013 - 00:00 -- BY STAR REPORTER
REJOINDER: Kanduyi MP Wamunyinyi. Photo/FILE
REJOINDER: Kanduyi MP Wamunyinyi. Photo/FILE
The Cord alliance has responded to the attack on former Prime Minister Raila Odinga by former Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi by branding the latter as “a relic of political history”.
Chairman of FORD-Kenya Bungoma county and MP for Kanduyi Wafula Wamunyinyi said that Mudavadi has re-emerged into the political scene to prevent Cord co-principal Moses Wetang’ula from clinching the Bungoma senatorial seat which he lost after a successful petition by former cabinet minister Musikari Kombo.
"Musalia Mudavadi has re-appeared from the ashes of the March 4th 2013 to do what he does best, spoil,” Wamunyinyi said; adding that,  "the Luhya community are aware of Mudavadi’s opportunistic and cowardly style of politics."
“Mudavadi should know that there is no battle for supremacy between him and Mr. Odinga because he holds no waters in Bungoma politics. Nobody takes him seriously on anything as it is a fact that everyone knows his opportunistic and cowardly style of politics where he is always waiting to be invited, offered and given,” the Kanduyi MP said.
Wamunyinyi concluded by saying that Mudavadi is no longer important enough to warrant engagement by the Cord co-principals. Mudavadi in a scathing attack against Raila  said that the ODM leader is playing the politics of deceit and warned the Bungoma electorate that Raila’s brand of politics is unacceptable and outdated.
Raila's spokesman Dennis Onyango also responded to Mudavadi's remarks dismissing Mudavadi's "criticism as the kicks of a dying horse"
Yesterday Mudavadi had accused attacked Raila over his allegations that the Amani coalition was using the Bungoma by-election to gain favours from the Jubilee government. Mudavadi had accused the Cord coalition leader of "vitriol" and "character assassination" of other leaders.
In a strongly worded statement Musalia accused Raila of deceit and double speak stating that  Raila welcomed President Uhuru Kenyatta with open arms yet asks the people of Bungoma not to work the with the Jubilee government.
“One cannot masquerade for ever. The image of infallibility he projects is meant to hide a tumultuous implosion in his party. And the solution is not to panic and divert attention by dwelling on Musalia.” Mudavadi said.
Mudavadi’s Amani coalition is backing Ford Kenya Party’s  Musikari Kombo in the by-election set for December 19. Cord’s candidate is  Moses Wetang’ula whose election was nullified by the court.
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