
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Corridors Of Power

Wednesday, November 27, 2013 - 00:00 -- BY THE POLITICAL DESK
Deputy President William Ruto
Deputy President William Ruto
Deputy President William Ruto is a man capable of the winning hearts and minds of those who may not like him. All he needs is a platform. Last week he met donors at Laico Regency to discuss issues between them and the government. So impressive was Ruto that some of the donors, who intially did not like him, instantly changed their view of the man. Some have been telling their friends that they think Ruto could be the man they want to do business with! 
The usually witty and evasive Attorney General Githu Muigai met his match at The Hague last weekend. On the sidelines of the ongoing ASP meeting, the AG came face to face with what his Jubilee friends call the “evil civil society” and challenged them to disclose their interest in the ICC cases and who they speak for. But one of his former students, Njonjo Mue, rose to the challenge and said he must have missed the class where the AG taught that the law should be used to help those in power to evade justice.
Bahati MP Kimani Ngunjiri is an interesting man. He was seen on TV swearing by the high heavens that he will not entertain drunkenness in his constituency. Ironically, the Ngunjiri was wearing a cap advertising a liquor brand – Viceroy. It is not clear whether the he was aware of the contradiction he was exposing viewers to.
A known aging Asian contractor, who had deep connections in previous regimes, is facing tough times with a myriad of land cases in court. The politically-orphaned man is in trouble with the government and is locked in a bitter battle with a Somali businessman over the ownership of a piece of city land which connects Rhapta Road to the newly constructed Ring Road.
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