Sunday, September 22, 2013

Toll: 69 killed, 175 hospitalised, more than 1,000 rescued

Death toll at Westgate rises to 68, Kenya Red Cross reports. Delicate operation still underway, police fear number of dead and casualties may rise steeply. US President Barack Obama calls President Kenyatta with condolences.

10.05pm Kenya Defence Forces (@kdfinfo) tweets: "Rescue operation at the Westgate Mall is still underway. Hostage situations are delicate and must be handled with utmost care and caution."
9.36pm Kenyans have contributed Sh16,204,400 via M-Pesa to help those affected by the terror attack at Westgate Mall. Funds being raised through the paybill number 848484 will be administered by Kenya Red Cross Society.
9.08pm Death toll at Westgate rises to 68, Kenya Red Cross reports.
8.24pm US President Barack Obama calls President Kenyatta with condolences; M-Pesa contributions by Kenyans to victims hit Sh11m
6.28pm Three choppers reportedly flying very low at the scene of the attack
6.00pm Our reporter Zadock Angira says security officers are on their final assault advancing towards the attackers.
5.58pm Final assault commenced, attackers hiding in a room with bullet proof window
4.58pm President Kenyatta says the security forces are doing all they can to secure the lives of those still in the mall.
4.54pm President currently addressing the press, says Kenya shall not relent on the war on terror.
4.05pm Israeli forces join Kenya battle to end deadly mall siege, AFP reports.
3.55pm UN Security Council issues a statement condemning the attacks at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi which has claimed at least 59 lives and injured 175.
3.26pm Deputy President William Ruto asks ICC to adjourn his trial so he can deal with the Westgate terror attack, Reuters reports.
2.14pm Police fire tear tear gas to disperse surging crowds.
2.13pm President Kenyatta to address a press conference at 3pm Sunday. He will be joined by former PM Raila Odinga and Musalia Mudavadi.
2.03pm One more survivor rescued, a woman.
1.15pm The Chinese ambassador to Kenya Liu Guangyuan issues statement saying; "the Chinese side is shocked and strongly condemns the terrorist attack at Westgate Shopping Mall, and wishes to express deep condolences to the victims and profound sympathy to the wounded and the deceased family.”
12.50pm The top Muslim leadership in the country issues statement and condemns the attacks at the Westgate mall.
12.34 The government to provide the list of those affected later on.
12.26pm Minister Ole Lenku says there could be between 10-15 attackers in the mall; says operation is delicate to ensure that hostages get out safe. 1000 people out so far.
12.01pm Death toll now at 59 says minister Ole Lenku,175 injured.
11.44am A Canadian immigration official from the Canada’s High Commission in Kenya among those killed, said the Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird in a press statement.
11.17am "This attack does not warrant countries issuing travel advisories because this has happened all over the world, it happened in Egypt and even in the US," said former PM. Former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka has sent condolences from Sri Lanka.
11.09am "This is a cowardly act by terrorists which they tried to do in 1998 and failed, they will not succeed," says former PM Raila Odinga.
10.57am Unknown number of hostages still trapped in the mall, Interior cabinet secretary Ole Lenku to brief journalists shortly. Police are not allowing anyone near the mall. Gunshots heard earlier.
10.45am Former PM Raila Odinga arrives at Oshwal Center near Westgate Mall, says its a tragic incident and hopes life returns to normal as soon as possible.
10.28am Another woman rescued bringing the number of those rescued this morning to four, husband happy to see her.
10.03am Our reporter Aggrey Mutambo notes that one of the survivors (an employee) who hid in the basement says suspects still inside the mall 22 hours later, fire exchange was there earlier on.
9.51am The US State Department indicates that at least four US nationals were injured in the attack.
9.30am Two military officers seriously injured in Westgate rescue operation rushed to Oshwal Center for first aid.
9.17am Oshwal Religious Center near Westgate is providing free food and water to victims, security forces and other rescue agents.

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