
Monday, September 2, 2013

Jubilee faces revolt from small parties

Monday, September 2, 2013 - 00:00 -- BY DAVID MWERE
The Jubilee alliance is facing internal revolt as smaller parties threaten to pull out.
The parties say they have been shortchanged in a post-election deal.
Some of them have started reaching out to the Cord coalition for a possible pact.
The small parties claim they were sidelined in public appointments contrary to the deal they signed with Jubilee after the general election.
They say they were promised Cabinet Secretary, Principal Secretary, Ambassador and other positions for coming on board the alliance.
The deal also included consideration of affiliates to committees in the National Assembly and the Senate.
The parties say TNA and URP took the lion’s share in the Cabinet and Principal Secretary appointments.
The two parties plus Narc originally contested the election under the Jubilee alliance.
Other parties that went it alone or through other alliances joined Jubilee in a post-election arrangement.
They include UDF, New Ford-Kenya and Kanu that were in the Amani coalition; and PDP and CCU that were in Cord.
The UDF party leader, Musalia Mudavadi, who also run for President said he will chart his own course outside government but said his party will support Jubilee.
An official of one of the affiliates who did not want to be named said the small parties will meet in Naivasha next week to  determine future relations within Jubilee.
The meeting is expected to sanction the decision to pull out.
“The affiliates are only making their intention known that they were used by Jubilee despite assurances from the top leadership including meetings at their residences. They promised to abide by the agreement but they no longer pick our calls,” the official said.
“We will terminate the agreement as per the law and any of our members who goes against the decision will be expelled from the party,” he said.
If the parties pull out, the move will likely affect the dominance of the Jubilee alliance in the bicameral legislature of the country.
Jubilee and its affiliates have 207 MPs in the National Assembly against Cord’s 137, Eagle alliance has two and independent MPs who are not affiliated to any coalition are three. Of the 207 MPs, Jubilee affiliates have 28 MPs.
In the Senate, Jubilee has 34, Cord 27 and Amani six MPs.
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