Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Corridors of Power

Tuesday, September 10, 2013 - 00:00 -- BY POLITICAL DESK
The wife of a senior and influential senator from the Rift Valley surprised the congregation at the Nairobi Pentecostal Church when she confessed that she was not as happy as people may think despite her husband being a political high flyer. The woman, who has opted to keep in the background even though her husband's larger than life persona and frequent public outbursts has earned him some notoriety told the church's women guild that they should not associate his political stature with happiness.
One of the senior administrators at the youth enterprise development fund was overheard demanding something small from a group of youth who were seeking a loan of Sh3 million from the kitty. The man told the youth he would facilitate their application and ensure they got the loan on condition that they do the 'honorable thing' which is to give him a quarter of the money they were seeking. The youth were however not willing to pay the 'facilitation fee' and played hardball with their leader telling him that unless he demanded a lesser amount, they would not pay. “If we should give him a quarter, then we will not repay the full amount!,” the youth leader declared.
A female parliamentary aspirant who lost one of the seats in Nairobi and has filed a petition lost an opportunity to win over some of the constituents when she refused and invitation by a group of women from one of the slums in the constituency.The politician said she could not go for the function as the women lived in an area surrounded by the pungent smell of open sewers and dirty pools of water. Her words may come to haunt her as the women have now vowed to ensure that she never gets a vote from the area even if her petition is successful and a by-election is ordered.
A governor from one of the counties in Nyanza has found that being governor is not smooth sailing as he expected six months ago. The man is not only suspicious of his deputy, but he made a strategic mistake by appointing into his cabinet many of his rivals who lost during the party nominations. Last week, the man shared his woes with his colleagues during a meeting of the governors' council and said the stand-off had made it difficult for the public service board be constituted
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