
Friday, August 30, 2013

Raila to tour Ruto's home turf

FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 2013 - 00:00
Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga is this weekend planning to tour Deputy President William ruto’s political backyard. Raila intends to push for a referendum in the North Rift. This will be Raila’s first tour of the Rift Valley region since the March 4 election.
He will be accompanied by Cord leaders and senior rift Valley politicians and elders, mainly those who stood by him in the last election.
Raila is scheduled to first tour Kakamega county for the thanksgiving ceremony of Butere MP Andrew Anyanga at Butere Girls’ High School.
He will then tour Trans Nzoia county on Sunday and attend special prayers at the home of Joshua arap Sang in the morning ahead of the commencement of Sang’s case at the ICC. Sang’s and Ruto’s cases are scheduled to start on September 10.
ODM director of communications, Phillip Etale, yesterday said Raila will on Sunday attend the homecoming party for Cherangany MP Wesley Korir.He is expected to drum support for a referendum.
Yesterday, President Uhuru’s political adviser Joshua Kuttuny said Raila has a democratic right to visit any part of the country.
Sources yesterday told the Star that while attending the prayers for Sang, Raila will call for the cases at the iCC to be brought back to either Kenya or Tanzania.
Towards the last elections, Sang endorsed Raila for the presidency saying he stood the best chance to unite the country.
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