
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Murkomen told to take stand on referendum

Wednesday, August 28, 2013 - 00:00 -- BY STANLEY MAGUT
A section of Members of County Assembly from North Rift have told the Senate chairman on devolution Kipchumba Murkomen to stop taking Kenyans on circles over referendum.
Speaking yesterday during their training on budget, MCA's from eight counties, said Murkomen has failed to demonstrate his leadership.
The training brought together members from Bungoma, Baringo, Nandi,Trans Nzoia, West Pokot, Turkana, Elgeyo Markwet and Uasin Gishu counties. Uasin Gishu Leader of Minority Ramadham Ali said the Senate proposed for a referendum and now it has shelved it.
He said Murkomen and other senators were traversing the country calling for a referendum to strengthen devolution. Ali said Murkomen is now telling Kenyans there is no need for a referendum.
“Murkomen should stop taking us in circles instead he should come out and state clearly his stand on devolution,” Ramadhan said. Ali challenged Murkomen to withdraw a petition filed in court by the Senate on devolution.
The MCAs said they are not supporting referendum at this time because its only five months since the country held general election.
The leaders said they made electoral pledges and are preparing to roll out development projects and as such have no time to campaign.
“At the moment we don't support referendum but let us first deliver to our electorate. When time comes, we will go for it,” Langas ward representative Francis Muya said.
 Shaurimoyo ward representative, Peter Chomba said development will stall if the country goes for a referendum. “Why should we waste resources at this time instead of promoting development as we promised?” Chomba said.
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