
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Western to Support Jubilee

Mumias Sugar company board taken to task over poor performance Nairobi, 30th July, 2013 - PSCU

Mumias Sugar Company Board of Directors has been taken to task over the company’s poor performance.

At a meeting with President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto, Members of Parliament from Western Kenya asked that directors of the Sugar Company be summoned to explain what they saw as a downward spiral. The meeting was convened to discuss the Jubilee’s development agenda for the region.

“We cannot allow the company to collapse under our watch,” President Kenyatta said. President Kenyatta said he would urgently look into the subject.

The MPs, led by Lugari MP Ayub Savula discussed a broad agenda, including revival of Pan-Paper Mills, infrastructure and transformational projects such as the dairy industry.

The President said Government would explore how to revive Pan-Paper Mills, which is a major employer in the region.

President Kenyatta called on the MPs to encourage the residents to engage in dairy and other types of farming as the area has good weather and soils, instead of relying solely on sugarcane.

President Kenyatta was responding to issues raised by the legislators during the meeting.

On the turf wars between Inspector-General David Kimaiyo and National Police Service Commission Chairman Johnstone Kavuludi, the President said Government was concerned about smooth operations of the Police Service.

“We have moved to harmonize their respective roles to ensure that they perform their duties effectively,” the President said.

The President urged the MPs to focus on service delivery, which he said was key to citizens keeping faith with their leaders.

President Kenyatta said the elections are over and he will continue to serve all Kenyans irrespective of the way they voted in the general elections.

The MPs assured the President and the Deputy President of their support in the implementation of Government policies.


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