
Monday, July 1, 2013

Striking teachers ignore court order

Teachers demonstrate in Kisumu over allowances on June 28, 2013. Photo/JACOB OWITI
Kenyan teachers have ignored the Industrial court order and vowed to continue with the strike until their allowances are fully paid. Read (Court orders teachers to report back to work Tuesday)
On Monday, the court ordered the striking teachers to report back to work on Tuesday by 8am after a long week class boycott.
The court also ordered the government to form a committee that would negotiate with teachers on their demands.
However, the Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) declared that their cause was legitimate and that the court ruling was futile.
"Its only the Knut Secretary General who can call off on-going teachers strike,' said Knut national chairman Wilson Sossion while addressing a press conference in Nairobi.
Mr Sossion said that teachers will therefore not report to work on Tuesday as ordered by the court.
"The mother of all strikes begins tomorrow (Tuesday), last week was a rehearsal. Parents should be ready to stay with their children at home for long," said Sossion.

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