
Sunday, July 28, 2013

State denies Raila is holding onto cars

By Tobias Chanji
The Government has denied that former Prime Minister Raila Odinga is illegally holding onto six of its cars and described him as a respected leader.
“...right now he has no extra vehicles,” was Interior Cabinet Secretary Jacob ole Lenku’s stark answer as he declared on Saturday in Kwale, where he was meeting security chiefs from Kwale, Mombasa and Kilifi.
Mr Lenku’s announcement contradicted Thursday’s statement by Government spokesman Muthui Kariuki when he claimed Raila had refused to surrender six Government vehicles given to him when he was Prime minister.
Illegal sirens
Mr Muthui further claimed Raila had attached illegal sirens on these cars and was using them to break the law. Ironically, yesterday Lenku contradicted Muthui’s claims as the spokesman who was accompanying him stood by mute.
The Cabinet Secretary said all extra vehicles given to Raila were actually taken away by the Government without stating when this happened. “All extra vehicles and security given to the former PM were withdrawn according to the law on police protection and right now he has no extra vehicle,” he said and added that as a leader the Government respected Raila.
Ole Lenku did not state whether Raila has any Government cars left with him or those that he should have. Pressed for clarification by the press Muthui declined to comment.
CORD and supporters of the former premier have denounced Muthui’s claims, accusing him of being highly intemperate and rude against Raila.
On Thursday Muthui claimed that Raila’s “sidekicks” plotted Tuesday’s heckling of Jubilee leaders at a funeral in Kisii, which President Uhuru skipped and also alleged that the former premier had refused to return six Government cars.
Yesterday Inspector General of police David Kimaiyo, Kwale governor Salim Mvurya, outgoing Coast PPO coordinator Aggrey Adoli and county commissioners accompanied ole Lenku from the three counties. On recent eviction and gang violence in Naivasha ole Lenku said due process would be followed and arbitrary expulsion and gangs crushed. He said those involved in torching of houses in Naivasha would be arrested and charged.
“Our security people have gone there to look at what happened and will arrest anybody that did that unlawfully,” he said referring to the evictions. Kimaiyo claimed the Mombasa Republican Council (MRC) that is active in Kwale has been destroyed and warned other tribal militia against terrorism. 
“We have already addressed the issue of MRC and those who were behind it have realised they were being cheated in one way or the other,” said Kimaiyo.

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