
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Jubilee Alliance accused of sidelining Eugene Wamalwa

Updated Monday, July 1st 2013 at 14:18 GMT +3

Former cabinet minister Dr Noah Wekesa has accused the Jubilee government of sidelining former Justice Minister Eugene Wamalwa.
Wekesa said that the former Saboti MP was instrumental in winning Jubilee alliance votes in Trans-Nzoia county and parts Western province and yet had not been rewarded for his role.
“It is on record our son Eugene played a role inJubilee alliance but it is regrettable that he has been kept in the cold by his friends,” said Wekesa.
Eugene was a close ally of Uhuru before decamping to support Amani Coalition's Musalia Mudavadi. But Wekesa insists that the former Justice Minister had won Uhuru support in the region and should thus be considered for appointment.
The former Forestry and Wildlife Minister challenged the Jubilee leadership to consider Eugene for a cabinet secretary slot.
He said Eugene has been dumped despite his support to Jubilee alliance in last March’s General Elections.
"They walked together but they have sidelined him after Jubilee won the elections. Let them consider him for a senior position in the government," said Wekesa in apparent reference to President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto.
Speaking at Muloki market during a mass service for five people killed by a gang at the weekend, Wekesa criticized the President Uhuru's administration for giving Western province a raw deal in appointments.
"Even if the Western people did not give Jubilee many votes, the region deserves representation in the government,” Wekesa said during the event also attended by Eugene.
Wekesa said President Uhuru had pledged that his Government would be all inclusive and would accommodate all Kenyans and challenged him to prove this by roping in Eugene.
“Let them give him a job and I will be happy if Eugene is accommodated in the Jubilee government and for me I don’t want a job I want to look after my cattle,” he said.
Eugene however avoided the subject instead choosing to express concern on the rising crime in Trans-Nzoia County.
Eugene called on the security agencies to investigate the misuse of government firearms after it emerged that some corrupt officers hire them out to criminals.
“We know the killing of the five people here is related to a government gun that was recovered from a criminal. Police should investigate the killing of Fred Tindi who was a key witness over the gun,” said Eugene.
The gun was allegedly leased out by a police officer at Saboti Post n and was used to attack Tindi, who was a prominent businessman at Muloki market.

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