
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Corridors of Power

Wednesday, July 31, 2013 - 00:00 -- BY POLITICAL DESK
A multinational company has employed a daughter to a senior official at KRA in its attempt to secure a contract from the parastatal. The company which has been conducting its business in the country for several years is desperately seeking to make inroads with the political and business establishment in the hopes of securing plum deals. A senior official in charge of the parastatal tender was overheard bragging he already bagged the deal. But he might soon regret his actions as some of the senior officials at the parastatal who were not involved might just scuttle the deal.
Two suspects who assaulted a man who later died from his injuries are running free because of the protection they enjoy from a senior police officer in Moyale. A day after the man died at Moyale hospital, the suspects and their parents met the senior police officer to persuade him not to act on the complaint. Our moles tell us that even though the incident was reported as an assault, the senior cop has prevailed on his subordinates not to report that the assault resulted in a murder as stipulated by law. The top cop has now gone on leave until the matter 'cools down.'
A vocal member of Kiambu county assembly has found it difficult to show his face om public after his ex-girlfriend who was also his employer started demanding that he return a Sh1.5 million car which she bought for him for use during his election campaigns. The vehicle is registered in her name and not his. When he failed to return the vehicle, the woman set some plainclothes policemen on the MCA whom they cornered in a nightclub. Told that he would be arrested for refusing with the car, the man pleaded with the cops to let him go and promised to return the vehicle. He is yet to do so.
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