Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Corridors of Power

Tuesday, July 2, 2013 - 00:00 -- BY POLITICAL DESK
Inspector General David Kimaiyo is said to have ordered the investigation of a top CID officer who was recently posted to Central region and who has demanded a Sh800,000 bribe from two former directors of Muhotetu Farmers Company Limited tp make fraud charges they are facing go away. It seems Kimaiyo is not amused that a senior officer under his watch is engaging in such activities. Now if he could take real action and not only give promises of action! It just might show that he really is up to the task of reigning in unbridled corruption in the service he is leading.
In January, a college student appeared in court and charged with impersonating Inspector General David Kimaiyo when he created a Facebook page in the name of the IG. Well, it seems that Kimaiyo or someone he has instructed, has since taken a leaf from the student and has opened a Facebook account where he regularly posts comments and replies to queries by members of the public. Or is it another clever impersonator who is masquerading as the real person?
Several MPs are still unhappy by the way the National Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi sometimes refers to them. Previously, the MPs were unhappy that Muturi would refer to the refer to an MP by the color of the shirt or tie or dress when he was selecting those to contribute to a debate. The excuse then was because majority of the MPs are first timers. The MPs are now saying that the adjectives that Muturi is using to identify those he wants to contribute are 'unparliamentary" and hurtful. They are particularly irked when he referred to two of them as "those two elderly members!” during House proceedings last Wednesday. The MPs says that three months is time enough for Muturi to have known all their names.
A trio of doctors has reported set up a racket where they are bilking members of the 'high society' of millions of shillings under the pretext they are treating them for various illnesses—all non-existent of course! It seems the doctors are referring patients to each other and since they are specialists in different fields, the patients are unlikely to know they are being played. The doctors build on the neuroses that some of the patients have about their health and spin them along until they can refer them to another 'specialist' for further treatment. In all instances, the 'patient' has to pay exorbitant fees for treatment and costly procedures.
- See more at: http://the-star.co.ke/news/article-126458/corridors-power#sthash.zSakw8qq.dpuf

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