
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Cord may sue state over teachers pay

Tuesday, July 30, 2013 - 00:00 -- BY JOHN NALIANYA
Two senators from Cord have said they will move to court to sue the government if it fails to pay teachers their July salary.
Bungoma Senator Moses Wetang’ula and his Siaya counterpart James Orengo will sue the government if it implements its threat to deny teachers their July salary.
Senate minority leader Wetang’ula urged the government to pay teachers their salary.
Speaking at Ranje Village in Kanduyi constituency during the meeting of Ford Kenya party leaders and agents organized by area Mp Wafula Wamunyinyi, the duo called on the government to owner its 1997 agreement with teachers.
“Why is the Government threatening to withhold the teachers' July salary yet they agreed on a return to job formula? This is will cause unnecessary chaos that will only affect students,” said Orengo.
Education Cabinet Secretary Jacob Kaimenyi has ordered Teachers Service Commission not to release any money for teachers this month.
Teachers were on a three-week strike demanding the government to pay them their allowances.
Wetang’ula asked the government to shield the laptop project and prioritise on projects like building schools, hiring more teachers and revise the education curriculum to benefit students more.
He called on Early Childhood Development Education teachers to be paid by TSC and not counties.
Wetang’ula said all teachers should be paid by one employer.
Orengo urged teachers' union officials to defend teachers' rights but obey the law to avoid being charged.
Bungoma County Kenya National Union of Teachers executive Secretary Kenneth Ngangah said that they signed the return to work formula with the government and there is no need of denying them their salaries.
“The government is violating our rights by denying us our salary,let it pay us as agreed to facilitate easier working or else we will strike again,”said Ngangah.
He said that it was better when the Ministers were being elected from among the elected members of parliament but getting independent cabinet secretaries to head ministries who are only answerable to the President is the biggest mistake and has led to what teachers are passing through.
Others who attended the event included Kiminini Mp Chris Wamalwa,Ford Kenya general secretary and Tongaren Mp Eseli Simiyu,nominated Mp Patrick Wangamati among other Ford Kenya party elected leaders.
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