
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Civil servants yet to receive July pay

Why civil servants have not yet received July pay
Updated Wednesday, July 31st 2013 at 12:58 GMT +3
By Standard Digital Reporter
NAIROBI, KENYA: Civil servants have not received their July pay but the Government has moved to reassure them that it was not broke.
Three Cabinet Secretaries confirmed that public servants had not been paid and stated that it had resources to pay them.
Cabinet Secretary for Devolution Anne Waiguru,Henry Rotich (National Treasury) and James Macharia (Health) issued a statement on Tuesday stating that the Government had resources to pay its employees.
“We wish to confirm that adequate resources forpayment of salaries and other programmes are available and moving forward will be rolled out on a timely basis,” a statement issued by the three Cabinet Secretaries stated.
The Cabinet Secretaries moved to reassure civil servants that plans were under way to fast-track theirJuly pay.
They said the delay was occasioned by restructuring of ministries after they were collapsed from 44 to 18.
They said the restructuring, done in conformity with the new constitution led to inevitable delays in processing of all financial management transactions including processing of salaries.
They stated that the National Treasury will immediately facilitate disbursement of funds to ministries to cater for the July payroll includingsalaries for civil servants who were to be paid by county governments.
They said the County Government will refund to the National Treasury the salaries paid to civil servants on their behalf.
The move is aimed at stemming disquiet among doctors who protested delay in their July pay andthreatened to go on strike next week.
Through the Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists’ Union (KMPDU), the medics claimed they usually receive their salaries as early as July 22.

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