
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Waititu taken to task over his names

Updated Tuesday, June 25th 2013 at 22:38 GMT +3

By Lucianne Limo
The tale of different names of former Embakasi MP Ferdinand Waititu came to haunt him during the hearing of an election petition he filed against Nairobi GovernorEvans Kidero.
Waititu was at pains to explain in court why he had three different names in three crucial documents while he was being cross-examined by Kidero’s lawyer Tom Ojienda.
Ojienda pointed out to High Court Judge, Justice Richard Mwongo that Waititu’s names were different in the election petition and in the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission list that cleared him to vie for gubernatorial seat and his passport.
Ojienda: Please tell the court your full name.
Waititu: Ferdinand Clifford Ndung’u Waititu.
Ojienda: But in the petition you have filed in court you have omitted the name Clifford, which is the official name known by your party TNA.
Waititu: Yes. Clifford is not there.
Ojienda: Are you also known as Bernard? Have you previously had a diplomatic or ordinary passport bearing the name Bernard?
Waititu: Yes. It was an error caused by the people who issued me with the passport. That name still appears in my passport but all my documents like ID it is Ferdinand.

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