
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Corridors of Power

Some of the people who supplied goods and services to the ODM Secretariat during the period leading upto the elections are furious with the party's former executive director Janet Ong'era. They allege they are being given the go-around over their payment. They say the acting executive director Mr Kawino feigns ignorance whenever they demand that the party meets its financial obligations even though he was the party's chief account during Ong'era's tenure. She is no longer taking calls from the party debtors who have now decided to escalate their complaints to the party chairman, former Prime Minister Raila Odinga.
The three-day governors retreat held in Naivasha was a catharsis for some of them who used the opportunity to come clean about some of the things they had done in the past. One of the governors revealed how he helped Kanu rig elections at the Coast where he served in the provincial administration and particularly during the infamous 1988 Mlolongo (queue voting) elections. He was not ashamed about what he had done and his only regret was that he found himself a victim of alleged rigging in 2007 when he was removed from office.
Things seem to get from bad to worse for some of the MPs who served in the last Parliament. Remember the western Kenya MP who was spotted withdrawing Sh300 from a Kenyatta Avenue MPesa point for his bus fare? Well. we know of yet another of his colleague has retreated to the village after financial constraints forced him to offload his city home. The man, who has the dubious distinction of being the first man to be sacked by former President Kibaki is now dependent on friends and relatives to put him up whenever he comes to the city.
A judge of a quasi tribunal was so thrilled when high profile man appeared before her that she could not contain her excitement.  The graceful lady took out her Ipad and posed for photographs with the man whom she said she had longed to meet all her life. The bemused man obliged and posed for several photos.

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