
Monday, May 27, 2013

Corridors of Power

MONDAY, MAY 27, 2013 - 00:00 -- BY POLITICAL DESK
Just who proposed the nomination to Cabinet of former Utalii Hotel general manager Joseph ole Lenku? We are told that many TNA power brokers are unhappy with the appointment because there was "no wide consultation". Although the docket that was to filled by the TNA side of the government, the power brokers are also upset that Deputy President William Ruto was also not consulted and only met ole Lenku on Thursday evening.
A former powerful operative in the Moi government has been bragging that he outsmarted people who planned to shoot down his nominee to the Cabinet. The man, well known for his wealth and political schemes, says he spent millions of shillings "sorting out" those who did not like his nominee and he has promised to "win" more battles in future. Corridors is wondering what relationship the man has with the Cabinet secretary and how he hopes to get a return on his "investment".
Some of the MPs who vetted the proposed Secretary to the Cabinet Francis Kimemia were yesterday overheard saying the they had decided to give him the job soon after the three-hour vetting on Friday. The legislators said their weekend retreat to write the report was merely a formality because, according to them, Kimemia was excellent and should be given the big office!
Has Caroli Omondi's bid to join the government as Cabinet Secretary hit a snag? We hear some people close to him have asked former Prime Minister Raila Odinga to step in and help Caroli get a job. We are told his friends took the decision after it emerged that the Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission had blacklisted Caroli and was determined to block his appointment. Caroli has also been trying to reach the Deputy President for help.

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