
Sunday, May 5, 2013

CJ Mutunga opens to Raila, other critics

By Peter Nguli
NAIROBI, KENYA: I am going to intentionally write this article in a very simple layman's language so everyone understands. The game changer is that every monkey lives in a forest: the forests do not change but the monkeys keep migrating from one tree to another.
It appears that CJ Willy Mutunga does not seek concrete advice from his closest reliable and credible confidants first before he acts. It looks to me like he shoots first then aims later. Perhaps and probably, CJ Mutunga does not understand that he is the most adored and that he is a respected legal expert in the country; he harbours so much respect that he must always be respected at all costs. It takes a very long time to built up a name but equally, it takes the click of a computer mouse to destroy it.
While keeping on social media may interpret to the CJ as though he is keeping in digital fashion, the opposite may exactly be true. What the CJ does not understand is that Facebook and other social media is awash with teenagers and college students some of whom may shy off from looking at his eyes if ever they met face to face on this planet Earth at Nairobi's Moi Avenue or ewlsewhere.
By scribling just few words in Facebook, the CJ opened a can of worms and gave ammunition to tireless politicians like Raila Odinga who would take advantage of every available avenue to critisize the Judiciary. Raila and others were waiting for that opportune moment and perhaps, they set that trap. Since our CJ is not a politician, why would he bother responding to critics? If I were him, I would just ignore politicians. Mr. CJ, these people are politicians who know what they are doing. Unlike you, they are just annoying you so that you respond and they get the ammunition they want in order to fight you. For instance, just look now; you are slowly loosing credibility while they are mockingly laughing at you because the trap they set for you has worked so perfectly. Why cant you understand this simple logic and just ignore them and keep quiet? Why are these politicians playing mind tricks on you?
If there is any one man that you must be very careful with, it is Raila Amolo Odinga. This guy can really play with your mind without knowing what he really wants. The guy is so clever and you must be very careful.
Social media postings
Mr. CJ, why can't you prove to them that you are just  too smart and that you are above their level and you have no time for leaders like Raila Odinga? Because every time you respond to them, then you lower your level accordingly. Just who is advicing you Mr. CJ? Let me tell you Mr. CJ, the posts you see in Facebook, twitter and other social media are just from very young people learning how to post in the social media and most of them are just guided and pre-meditated, nothing new. Then here the CJ goes ballistic launching nuclear warheads to hit a mosquito with a hammer in the streets of Naivasha. It absolutely does not make sense at all. Does it? How can you kill a mosquito with a hammer, surely?
I am wondering. When will people learn from Kibaki's style of leadership? Just ignore and forget. Silence is a very effective weapon. Former president Kibaki never had time for such trash and you readers of this article are my witnesses. For what value does it add to respond to every criticism? Of course you can't please everyone. So as a CJ of the Supreme Court, you CJ Mutunga have to preserve your dignity, integrity and respect by keeping quiet and not responding to trash from Faceebook teenagers and university students especially if you are a Chief Justice. After all, you are not a teenager anyway. As a CJ, please keep off from these teenage posts as you are above that age, please!
Our Chief Justice Willy Mutunga could have borrowed a leaf from former president Kibaki. The CJ should have understood that any time he answers these teenagers in social media, he is really lowering his standard as the President of the highest  Supreme Court in the land. Surely, is this rocket science?
Even though I may be an idiot as far as law is concerned, at least I can reason better than some of our learned friends in the law at the Supreme Court.  Let the Chief Justice Willy Mutunga keep off from discussing trash with Facebook teenagers and university students and he will earn his respect. Because everytime he engages with these Facebook teenagers, he is really lowering his standard as the President of the Supreme Court.

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