
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Vetting team ready as Cabinet takes shape

By Vitalis Kimutai
Nairobi, Kenya: Parliament is Tuesday expected to adopt 29 names of a crucial vetting team, paving the way for the long-awaited appointment of Cabinet Secretaries.
Monday, The Standard learnt that President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy, William Ruto, were putting final touches to the list of nominees to head restructured Government ministries.
“The President and Deputy President have been working towards unveiling a whole package of appointments, which will include Cabinet Secretaries, Principal Secretaries (formerly Permanent Secretaries) and most probably Directors in State Departments,” said a source at the Office of the President.
It also emerged that Uhuru and Ruto held another meeting at State House on Sunday evening where they made efforts to get women to fill some positions in Government because of gender balance.
The duo was also struggling to strike regional balance by getting names of credible people who would also give them some political clout in the regions.
“Such individuals will not only be people who will be able to work with Uhuru and Ruto, but they must also be able to push their regional political agenda when they are called upon to do so,” said a Senator who is closely associated with Ruto.
The Selection Committee, which was formed last week, Monday held a day-long session at Parliament buildings that were convened to pick members to the various parliamentary committees.
That means the House Business Committee (HBC) will this morning meet to fine tune the list before it is tabled in Parliament in the afternoon.
“We have been invited for a meeting of the House Business Committee at 10.a.m on Tuesday where the names to the Committee on Appointments will first be tabled ahead of the commencement of the business in the House at 2.30pm,” a member of the HBC told The Standard on Monday.
Leader of Majority in Parliament Aden Duale will table the list of?members proposed to sit in the Appointment Committee when MPs convene for their weekly session.
“Duale is expected to not only table the list in Parliament, but also?move a motion for its adoption by the MPs,” said Baringo Central MP Sammy Mwaita.
The Parliamentary Standing Order Number 204 (4) states that the Committee on Appointments shall consider, for approval by the House, appointments under Articles 152(2) of the Constitution (cabinet secretaries).
Members of the Committee shall consist of, among others, the Speaker (Justin Muturi) as chairperson, the Deputy Speaker (Dr Joyce Laboso), the Leader of the Majority Party (Duale) and the Leader of Minority Party (Francis Nyenze).
The Deputy Majority Leader Dr Naomi Shaban and Deputy Minority Leader Jakoyo Midiwo will also be members of the Committee by virtue of their positions.
The Committee will have not more than 22 other members nominated by the HBC on the basis of proportional membership in the House.  From the ODM side, sources indicated that Minority Leader Francis Nyenze, Deputy Minority Leader Jakoyo Midiwo and Chief Whip Gideon Mng’aro would be members of the Committee.
“The country is waiting for the members of the Committee to be unveiled in Parliament as that would enable the Uhuru and Ruto to forward the list of Cabinet Secretaries to the House for vetting,” said Narok South MP Lemein Ole Korei.
Chesumei MP Elijah Lagat said they were awaiting the appointees to the Cabinet so that they can undergo scrutiny by Parliament and members of the public before their names are forwarded to the President for appointment.
Picking professionals
Monday, Roysambu MP Waihenya Ndirangu said he had been told that Uhuru and Ruto had delayed in releasing the list of Cabinet Secretaries because they were keen on picking professionals and leaders of high integrity who would easily pass through the test in Parliament.
Uhuru and Ruto are said to have been meeting late into the night at State House as they fine-tuned the list of appointees.
Another source indicated that the composition of Cabinet Secretaries had been agreed upon by the Principals, but what was giving them headache was accommodating women to meet the constitutional requirements. “The number of women who applied for positions in government, especially the Principal Secretaries, is few.
As such Uhuru and Ruto have been reaching out to those in the private sector as they widen the net so as to get the right crop of professionals for the senior Government posts,” said the source who is not authorized to speak to the media and so asked not to be named by The Standard.
But what Uhuru and Ruto have succeeded so far, as compared to retired President Mwai Kibaki’s tenure, is to keep the names of those who are being floated for the positions a secret.
“Even when there are murmurs that there is a disagreement in State House, there is nothing tangible to go with,” Bomet Central MP Ronald Tonui told The Standard.
Many we spoke to Monday said they are keen to see who the President picks from areas that did not vote for him, including Nyanza, Western and Eastern regions. Voters in those areas largely voted largely for former Prime Minister Raila Odinga and former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka in the CORD Coalition.
Nyatike MP Omondi Anyanga called on the President to ensure that he includes the professionals from Nyanza region in his Government to demonstrate his support for the unity of all Kenyans.
“In Nyatike constituency for example, there is no professional who has been appointed to a senior Government position, apart from Dr Joseph Odero Jowi who was an ambassador in the 1960s,” said Anyanga.
He added: “The symbolic holding of hands by Uhuru and Raila during Okuta Osiany’s funeral was a good gesture, and indication that the country must move on after the election, irrespective of who becomes the President.
"That should be replicated in the formation of the new Government,” he added.  Uhuru and Raila have lately adopted a reconciliatory tone when they appear together in public sending signals that they are ready to work together in uniting Kenya.
Two weeks ago, Uhuru disbanded the Grand Coalition Cabinet he inherited from Kibaki’s administration, but told old Permanent Secretaries to take charge of the ministries for the timbering.
Last Thursday, the President released a list of 18 ministries which will be headed by the yet to be named Cabinet Secretaries. The move was seen as meant to soften public opinion and ward off rumors circulating that there was a standoff between URP and TNA on the 50-50 sharing of positions.
Ruto at the weekend downplayed the matter saying Uhuru would nominate professionals with high integrity to serve in various positions in Government.

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