
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Ruto brushes aside calls for Mudavadi return to Cabinet

Deputy President William Ruto. FILE PHOTO.
Some MPs want former DPM appointed
Deputy President William Ruto yesterday brushed aside calls by a section of Members of Parliament to incorporate former Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi into the government as a Cabinet Secretary. In apparent indirect response to the plea by the MPs, Ruto said nominees identified by President Uhuru Kenyatta for Cabinet Secretary position are not expected to serve sectarian, ethnic or regional interests but the government.
He urged Kenyans not view the selected Cabinet Secretaries through a tribal prism, saying time for politics is long gone and leaders should now build bridges and forge ahead irrespective of their political party affiliations. The deputy president made the remarks at the Lumakanda Primary School in Lugari constituency when he graced the homecoming party for the local MP Ayub Savula. The function snubbed by the ODM party MPs in Kakamega county except deputy governor Dr Philip Kutima also marked Mudavadi’s maiden public appearance in Western region after his failed presidential bid in the last General Election.
MPs Emanuel Wangwe (Navakholo), Bernard Shinali (Ikolomani), Malulu Injendi (Malava), Ben Washiali (Mumias East), Alfred Agoi (Sabatia), Oscar Sudi (Kapsaret) and Anne Nyokabi (Women representative, Kiambu) as well as governor Ken Lusaka (Bungoma) and Charles Keter (senator) attended the function. Wangwe sparked the debate when he asked Ruto to prevail upon the president to consider either Mudavadi or former justice and constitutional affairs minister Eugene Wamalwa for the two remaining Cabinet slots as a way to appreciate the support of Amani coalition. However, Ruto avoided to address the issue directly and instead made a veiled rebuttal of tribal consideration in the nominations. Mudavadi said Luhya community should support the government and put aside politics for now.

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