
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Race to minority house leader gains momentum

By Geoffrey Mosoku
NAIROBI, KENYA: Lobbying for minority party leader in the National Assembly has intensified with ODM legislators AbabuNamwamba, Manson Nyamweya and Jakoyo Midiwo gunning for support to the seat.
Namwamba (Budalangi), Nyamweya (South Mugirango) and Midiwo (Gem) have been lobbying among the coalition Members of Parliament outside the building and through telephone calls.
On Tuesday eveningNamwamba met a section of fellow legislators from Nyanza and western to implore them to support his quest.
And on Tuesday, Nyamweya was on the same mission at parliament saying that the ODM party and Cord requires a fresh crop of leader to steer it to higher heights.
“The party needs rebranding and new pillars to rebuild it. It needs to be reengineering in readiness for 2017.The position of minority leader is crucial in reshaping us and requires the right person with experience but with a tinge of fresh blood to move it forward,” Nyamweya said while confirming he was eying the seat.
By last evening, only Makueni MP Dan Maanzo (Wiper) was being mentioned as the deputy opposition chief whip.  All Cord elected senators and MPs will meet on Thursday, for parliamentary group meeting at Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s Nairobi home to draw up a lineup for their coalition.

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