
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Mutahi Ngunyi Thinks Fidel Odinga Will Replace His Father Raila As Luo Leader

He is the man who gave us Tyranny of Numbers and due to his accuracy, he deserves an ear anytime he speaks.
Political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi has spoken again and this time it's about Raila's succession. 

He thinks that Fidel Odinga can take over from his father as the next Luo leader. He says that just as Uhuru was moved from a nobody to the presidency in a short 10 years, the same can happen to Fidel.

This was his tweet yesterday.
If dynasties are jealous institutions, then Fidel is the next Luo leader. Uhuru was created 10 years ago, Fidel can be created in 10 years.
Fidel has however never showed any interest in politics, at least publicly.

On Uhuru's presidency, Mutahi believes that his rule will be an easy one, quoting philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli.
Those who get power with ease (Kibaki) rule with difficulties;Those who get power with difficulties (Uhuru-Ruto) rule with ease - Machiaveli

Should the analyst be right this time, it will remain to be seen what will happen to Orengo and Kidero, two politicians tipped to step into Raila's shoes.

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