
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Museveni to speak at Uhuru’s swearing in ceremony

Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni

By Digital Reporter
Head of Public service Francis Kimemia has announced that Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveniwill speak on behalf of all guests at the Swearing in of President-elect Uhuru Kenyatta on Tuesday.
Kimemia, who is also the chairman of the Committee to the Assumption to the Office of President, had earlier this week said that preparations for the swearing in were in the final stages.
“We are now focusing on the day which will be historic in many ways. The whole of this week will be for preparation of the swearing in ceremony,” Kimemia explained in an interview with The Standard.
With the ceremony in which Uhuru will assume the reins of power as Kenya’s fourth President less than a week away, the military on Tuesday began rehearsals for the big day where they will perform a ceremony to welcome their new Commander-in-Chief. Other sections of the government have been preparing for the change of guard.
“We resumed security and intelligence briefings to the President-elect after the petition challenging his election was dismissed,” revealed Kimemia.
The handover ceremony is slated to take place on Tuesday, April 9, and the day will be public holiday to give Kenyans time to also observe event.
It will be the third time that Kenyans will witness the transfer of power, but the second time that one President will be handing over power to another.
In 1978, former President Moi was sworn in as President after the death of Mzee Kenyatta.
But the first handover ceremony was witnessed on December 30, 2002 when Former Daniel Arap Moi handed over to Mwai Kibaki.

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