
Monday, April 1, 2013

Members shaming National Assembly

Shame on you, Members of the National Assembly of Kenya who are pushing for a pay increase even before you have properly reported on duty!
Why on earth would any sane person about to report on duty for the first day at work consider pay increase as priority numero uno?
Even before the ink has dried on your swearing-in documents that made you our new honourable members of the National Assembly, many of you are already up in arms grouching about what you consider ‘below par’ remuneration for the important job that is ahead of you as honourable Members of the National Assembly.
Just how out of touch with reality can one be? A good majority of the people you will be representing in the August House live below poverty line – that essentially means surviving on less than a dollar per day. 
Surely, as honourable Members of the National Assembly, what should you be primarily concerned about: Your personal welfare as one of the so-called Wabenzi (Mercedes Benz class) or the wellbeing of those humble denizens who brazed the sun, rain and all vagaries of March weather to cast their vote for you on March 4?
In the revised salary scale released by Salaries and Remuneration Commission, Members of Parliament will earn Sh532,500 monthly. Previously, MPs earned Sh850,000. Aggrieved legislators have been plotting to disband the commission and give its functions to another organ to protest the pay cut.

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