
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Kalonzo weeps as he breaks news of Mutula death

Former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka weeps in public as he breaks the shocking news of Mutula Kilonzo's death
Former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka broke down and weep in public after news of the death of Mutula Kilonzo.
Former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka broke down and wept in public after news of the death of Mutula Kilonzo.
Kalonzo who was attending a burial of Mrs Grace Syokwaa Kavali in Tseikuru location, Mwingi North constituency in Kitui County was overcome by grief and cried uncontrollably.
MPs Joe Mutambu (Mwingi Central), Francis Nyenze (Kitui West) and Patrick Makau (Mavoko) supported and comforted him as a section of the mourners joined in sobbing.
The former VP had stood to address the mourners when he said he had just received the shocking news of the demise of the Makueni Senator.
“I have just received the news of the sudden death of my friend as I sat here. It is very devastating moment. I have just talked to the widow who confirmed the sad news. It really……ouch my God……..,”said Kalonzo before he broke down.
The mourners in turn wailed loudly when the former VP announced the death news.
Mwingi North MP John Munuve condoled with Mutula family and urged for calm as the circumstances to his death are investigated. He warned against speculation before investigations were complete.

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