
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Corrridors of Power

A governor from one of the counties in Nyanza has become the laughing stock due to his poor oratory skills. The man was given an opportunity to speak during the funeral of the late KNUT boss Okuta Osiany which was attended by President Uhuru Kenyatta and former PM Raila Odinga in Nyando. But his performance was so far below par and one of the local MPs was overheard offering to give the man some lessons in public speaking for free!
Truck haulers and their conductors of the Bamburi based Transnick Transporters Company in Mombasa are a frustrated lot. They claim their complaints are not being addressed and point fingers at one of the managers who is aware that their allowances are not being paid. They allege the manager has threatened to sack any of them who complains about this and other work-related problems.
Reports doing the rounds is that a senior AP commander in Nyanza Province may be transferred to Busia county for allegedly inappropriate behavior with a married colleague who is his junior in rank. The commandant has promoted the woman to be his secretary and he is blaming her husband for working in cahoots with the powers that be in Naironbi to have him transferred and demoted. His efforts to transfer his former secretary to another district in the province has also hit a snag after he was accused punishing her yet she is a student at one of the campuses in Kisumu.
Junior police officers in Lamu are wondering who is pocketing the huge sums that hotels in the area are paying for the hire of armed policemen to patrol their premises. The policemen claim they are deployed by their bosses after the hoteliers pay for the service. They are however concerned that the money is not being remitted to the right coffers and say IG Kimaiyo should be keen to find out where the cash is going.

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