
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Corridors of Power

Several MPs especially who also served in last Parliament are baffled that a man who used to be a junior employee in Parliament is now one of them. They are finding it a bit uncomfortable because the man they used to send on petty errands somehow managed to trounce one of the political giants to capture the seat of a newly created constituency. During the Jubilee retreat in Naivasha a week ago, a female MP was heard loudly telling the new MP “I can’t believe you are now a mheshimiwa like me, how did you make it?” His humble response? "Everything is possible in God's grace!"
A top official of a political party is dejected after his party failed to support his nomination for appointment to a job in Parliament. He had misled into thinking that the job was his for the taking and was horrified when those who made the promises turned around and offered the position to someone else.
Several top aides of President-elect Uhuru and his deputy William Ruto are reportedly lobbying hard to get appointments in the new administration. It seems the hopes of plum jobs has intensified the competition and is causing cracks in what was presented as a formidable and unified Team Uhuru. Some individuals have even threatened to dig the dirty past of some of their colleagues and use it to ensure their perceived competitors do not get certain jobs in a Jubilee government.
A former powerful figure at the City Hall who contested in the last general elections but lost is in trouble from his debtors. Its reported that the man accumulated huge debts hoping to 'recover' his financial standing after he was re-elected. The man is now at the mercy of his creditors including some powerful figures who lent him money for the campaigns. They are now demanding that he makes good his promise to repay them their money.

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