
Friday, April 5, 2013

Corridors of Power

The dream of a senior URP official from the South Rift becoming a Cabinet secretary may come a cropper after MPs from the party vowed to shoot down his name in case it is presented to the National Assembly.A group of MPs from the region accuse the man, who is a close associate of deputy President-elect William Ruto of a 'dark past' over claims that he ran down a state corporation which he left in unclear circumstances. They also claim the man was adversely mentioned in alleged controversial procurements in the IEBC  made shortly before the general elections.
A former youthful MP from Rift Valley who lost in the last elections may be down but is definitely not out. In the ongoing intense lobbying for cabinet slots, three ministers who also lost in last month's elections have approached an MP considered close to Deputy President elect William Ruto pleading with him to  'talk talk nicely" about them to Ruto so that they can be nominated as Cabinet Secretaries. The MP was overheard bragging that he is not seeking an appointive post, but will be powerful business operative in the Jubilee government as he has connections direct to both State House and the Office of Deputy President.
Even before the dust settles down on the Supreme Court ruling which upheld Uhuru Kenyatta's election as president, some Wiper MPs have started complaining that one of the chief financiers of the party duped them into entering coalition with ODM which was contrary to their first agreement to work with Jubilee coalition. One of the MPs was heard telling his colleagues from Rift Valley during last week's swearing-in ceremony that he wished he had the powers of dissolving the Cord coalition and joining the jubilee government.
Residents in one of the constituencies in Nyeri county are crying foul that since they elected their MP on March 4, he has never returned in the constituency even to thank the area voters. The man reportedly showed up during the TNA party nominations on January 18 and only returned to the constituency a day before the elections. Since they elected him, the constituents are now claiming the man has 'abandoned' them and is more interested in attending to his businesses in Nairobi than taking up their calls or attending to their needs.

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