
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Corridors of Power

The position of the government spokesman could be up for grabs because the current occupant Muthui Kariuki's uncharismatic demeanour and perceived closeness to former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka. Muthui’s media briefing room has been taken over by the Senate and is now the media centre.
Just what killed Mutula Kilonzo? there are all manner the theories going round purporting to explain what could have happened to the always happy and positive former Justice minister. One thing that is consistent in the theories is that his death is suspect, and people are calling on the government to thoroughly investigate and establish the cause of his death.
Junior traffic police officers in Nyanza region are quietly protesting the behaviour of a senior CID officer based at the provincial headquarters. The disgruntled officers called Corridors last week to complain about the deputy CID boss whom they have accused of constantly interfering in their work by authorising the release of traffic offenders.
Still in the security sector, GSU officers are grumbling over the grabbing of land by a senior police officer in Drive In area along Thika road where their houses are located. The parcel of land was hived off the main residential area days before the appointment of the Inspector General of Police David Kimaiyo and construction commenced immediately. One of the buildings owned by the senior police officers has been leased by a leading supermarket chain.
A prominent politician was left red-faced after his expectation to land a Cabinet position failed to materialise. The man who lost in the March 4 General Elections is now accusing one of the Jubilee Alliance principals of rejecting his appointment.

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