
Friday, April 26, 2013

Corridors Of Power

It is high time Deputy President William Ruto put his house in order considering that he is a state officer. On Sunday, journalists who had gone to cover him at a church service in Kasarani got a rude shock when his high ranking pressman told the media to stay away as they had not been invited. The newly-appointed man ought to know that journalists do not need to be invited to cover public figures since the constitution guarantees unfettered access by journalists to newspoints.
Kenyatta University students are a worried lot after the administration summoned 27 of their colleagues for allegedly causing a fracas when IEBC ballot materials were found in the institution. The university's disciplinary committee wants the 27 to explain what they know about the riot. The disturbance, in which voting materials were destroyed, followed rumours that the IEBC was doctoring election results in the institution’s business centre. Our moles, however, said KU administration is victimising students from particular communities for political expediency. Among those who have been summoned, Corridors understands, is a student who claims he was at home when the riot broke out.
A former Cabinet minister was recently forced to wait outside the gates of State House Nairobi for more than two hours. The man, well known for his many requests, ended up not meeting the President who is said to have snubbed him because of his unbecoming behavior and untrustworthiness. The poor man was finally asked to leave by security guards.
The ground is fast shifting for a former presidential candidate after members of his party threatened to wrest the leadership of the party from his grasp. A section of his party officials and members accused the man of auctioning the party by unilaterally signing a post-election coalition deal with the Jubilee alliance. The agreement, insiders said, is a blank cheque and the party stands to gain nothing at all.

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