
Sunday, April 7, 2013

contextualizing kibaki's power grab in raila's victories

a riposte bynereah of amadijukwaa member no.95

kibaki with ruto and uhuru.mzee demonstrate his lack of interest in raila by denying the pm and vp who opposed uhuru and ruto,their retirement courtesy

this post is boldly and provocatively calling out outmzee mwai kibaki,the least understood president in kenya's blames mzee for the funeral like mood that has engulfed kenyan state that should be proudly celebrating its rebirth with the new government led by youthful leaders.

whatjukwaa'sfounder and moderator rightfully called a pyrrhic victory of ohuru kenyatta and taxpayers funded public swearing in ceremony tuesday has been greeted with silence at most and gnashing of teeth at worst.3 kenyans have committed suicide as a consequence of kibaki's management of his transition.

this post therefore seeks to expose the 83 year old career politician who is wobbling into the sunset of his existence as the most devious and forgetful political animal alive in nairobi today;a closeted enemy of the kenya's progressives and a practicing neocolonialist

it examines the contradictions of kibaki existence in the organized politics and liberation movement for Kenya change,his tendencies and lastly persona as a double faced leader whose loyalists in nyeri would campaign for the woman he publicly denounced as his wife while making his family believe that his support for their candidate would bring to bear in the seat that he has held for decades.

in doing so,it interrogates the place of kibaki in the two distinct competing forces that have defined the kenya's historical journey and especially his role and or contribution by omission and commission to the setbacks in the struggle for the change thatagwamboandjaramogi oginga odingahave embodied over the ages.

the basis of this argument is that the victories of the kenya's progressives in the2002,2007 and 2013 presidential elections(as any honest historian and moral intellectual would readily admit)wereraila amollo odingas. mzee merely "hijacked and dishonoured" the kenyan dream, at most in bloody circumstances as was the case with 2007 and remains the key if not sole beneficiary of the outcome.

we begin with a casual assessment of kibaki the man in historical kenya and his contradiction as an immoral political animal who would go to bed with the communist china while promoting free market economy and driving the select middle class into the orbit of power through the maze of kenyas political economy.

head-hunted by raila's father,late jaramogi odinga, and literally driven from makerere university in uganda to kenya's body politics by late tom mboya,kibaki has dedicated his 10 years in power to dishonouring this two great nationalists. we have to note that mzee has in the duration of his public life curiously survived where the likes ofgeorge saitoti,george moseti anyona,waruru kanja,ken matiba,achieng oneko,tom mboya,ronald ngala,sir charlse njonjo,jaramogi odinga,jm kariuki,pio gama pintocould not pas muster.

here is one man, who has not had a job outside the nairobi's political establishment yet has benefited immensely from the bloody struggle for reform by the kenyan left.

the first power grab

the first power grab.mzee went on to grab power when it was clear he never won the election according to a credible government report by south african judge, kriegler.

the2002 Kibaki toshawas kenya's most popular ever response to a clarion call for positive transformation that overwhelmed the disparate political groupings and formations and for which Kenyans buried tribalism and all theismsthat late son of bondodr bill aruthi omamohumoured us with.such was agwambo's pre-eminence and influence in Kenya for change that the country readily heeded to his call to wheel the 73 years old sickly ex-makererian to state power.

agwambo;Dwas up against dictator moi who had all the levers of state power and financial might of his project, uhuru muigai wa Kenyatta.kibaki's inauguration speech at uhuru park after the 2002 election victory was a promissory that we thought we could cash but see what came outkibaki one?

then came 2007 and the brother of waitherero as callous and cold hearted as he is,failed thousands of Kenyans whose lives and properties were destroyed despite taking oath of office to protect them in unbridled quest for power.fact is that raila won the election but kibaki rained on agwambo's parade and indeed that of millions of Kenyans who popularly mandated the pro-change leader.kibaki twocan be measured by Kenyans happiness index just as was thekibaki one.

a close analysis of the events that led up to and after the 2013 election whichagwambowon with 5.7 million votes reveals the hidden hand of the old man who we can today expose as the mastermind of another civilian coup on Kenyans.

infact you don't need to be rocket scientist toidentifykibaki in the nairobi's asymmetrical power play on his succession. visiting the judiciary before the submission of its ruling on the presidential contest and heaping praise for the way they rejected the incontrovertible evidences that would have rendered uhuru's victory void,speaks volume.

the choice of kasarani as the inauguration venue,the alacrity with which the president endorsed,recognized uhuru's pyrrhic victory and hosted his next door neighbour with bill ruto in total disregard to his co-principal raila odinga speaks volume.

it did not matter that only parts of rift-valley and central were celebratingnot the rise of uhuru but rather the false fall of agwambowho the anti-reform forces under the patronage and direct supervision of mzee kibaki waged a successful propaganda on.kibaki has exposed himself as as a vengeful man who by not speaking out against the migunas public peeing on his co-principal and encouraged state intelligence to infiltrate odm and foment disaffection in agwambo's base as witnessed in the nyanza primaries.

fact is that the inspector general of police and the ethnicised national security council would allow uhuru and ruto to hold gatherings in eldoret while blocking the prime minister from explaining to kenyans the subversion of their democratic rights betrays kibaki's hidden hand.

i argue that uhuru's unconvincing victory in the 2013 election has all the hallmark of kibaki's 2007 power grab and that the ongoing media driven destabilization campaign and containment ofcordwas and remains a state enterprise that is executed by the national intelligence with the express knowledge and blessing of mzee kibaki. thats why you will never read in the media thatodm is the largest parliamentary party or the number of votes that odm obtained in central kenya(kiambu to laikipia)

indeed, i argue that jukwaa's progressives attack on the likes of willy the mutunga or hissing at inspector general of police or calling out isaak hassan OR even this masterful thread be contextualized in kibaki's cowardly political acts against the realization of kenyan dream through raila odinga.

to understand mzee kibaki, one may like to see how he handled the othaya parliamentary race where narc turned pnu turned tnamama winniewho was captured byntvreceiving a congratulatory phone call from mama ngina(she told her audience that the caller was mama ngina) triumph over his children jimmy and judy and by extension my beloved mama lucy kibaki's preferred was obvious where mzee's heart lay when all the nyeri political heavyweight threw their might behind mama winnie.thats kibaki for you.

when he went to church on easter sunday, uhuru was captured saying he was not sure if the supreme court would upheld his victory.the doubt itself attest to the unspoken truth that just like the celebration in parts of central-was not about uhuru's victory but grabbing power from agwambo, this had the seal of kibaki's state enterprise.

kibaki holding the new constitution that he has set stage for its cannibalization with opposition to its cornerstone courtesy

I call it a state enterprise because it is now evident that kibaki had been all along working for robbing raila his 2013 victory; a subversion of kenya's sovereign will for which many profiteers,rent seekers and sundry activists have made their big jukwaa's lapsed memberadongoonce told us here(see archive) the intelligence in kenya under mzee kibaki have been dedicated to destroying raila than protecting taxpayers against other threats like those bombings that almost claimed the life of a member of parliament and drugs and gun runners of arturs brothers stripe.

you ask around and listen to tales of those who claim to know on the depth and resoluteness with which mzee institutionalized his doctrine of power grab of agwambo's victories and you get the sense of recent happenings in the three arms of the government. judiciary which we were made to believe was impervious to kibaki's machination is the last institution to fall,exposing precedented hostility on kenya's most popular popular party with highest number of votes and parliamentary seats in parliament.

with the the benefit of hindsight, we can now tell that the calculated appointments of the likes ofaggithu the mugai, renewal or is it extension of the tenure of kenya's spy chief gichangi,army commander karangi,reconstitution of the national security council and i dare add the hounding out of sisternancy baraza;Dand many more were part of this enterprise.

5 minutes conversation with average voter
understanding kibaki calls for the understanding the average kenyan who voted against would be surprised the instant switch from watching citizen tv tok24,ntvandktnin that order:you ask as many in a honest discussion and from the response you you get the sense that its about kibaki and raila:that kibaki has a residual hatred for raila borne out of guilt and envy and for which he quietly relayed to the kikuyu peasants and elites alikes as a strategy of galvanizing their vote for uhuru and opposition to agwambo.this is also evident from the comments from the political leaders,business elites and general middle class who have a kid of default response to agwambo's engagement with the essential house of mumbi.

the kibaki's attitude against raila is best captured by ohuru when he reached out to meru voters with claim that raila has been a big pain in kibaki's presidency and must be punished by exclusion in the vote rich upper eastern.

it appears raila's sins on kibaki has been standing firm for kenyans and pushing for reforms and constitutionalism which we can now tell are inimical to mzee's overarching interests i.eukoloni mamboleo

proof positive.
For those who doubt that raila won the 2007 and 2013 elections and that mzee kibaki ensured he dint, then listen to the confession of steve kalonzo musyoka, kibaki's second in command who should know because is a veritable insider.
here it is:


asmiguna miguna(who incidentally celebrated the death of uhuru kenyatta's father-see jukwaa archive) once stated, agwambo and what he stands for is an idea that cannot be vanquished by human forces.

kibaki,representing the old order has demonstrated in words and deeds that he is the high priest ofthe anyone but raila brotherhood(arb) andthe raila hate society; that he does not hold higher ideals when it comes to democratic choices and sovereign will of majority kenyans; that as was the case in 2007 he can forego his constitutional obligation of protecting lives of kenyans for political expediency.

mzee kibaki's disrespect,vengeance and anger towards raila odinga who is his co-principal and as reflected by those who voted for uhuru is perhaps best demonstrated by his awkward and deliberate refusal to sign send off package for the prime minister(who worked for over three years without a salary) as he has done for himself yet parliament approved both and that of his vp.

we are therefore looking at a closeted vindictive man who has in his last days in power exposes his true allegiance with public opposition to the devolution.

the danger with all this from purely academic point of view, is that usurpation or dishonouring majority vote or popular will for a young democracy and in effect vesting power to the middle class has the potential of exciting imaginative minds to whom the end justifies the means,worse more so in protracted reform struggle where the centre represented the other evil.

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