
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Cabinet secretaries list yet to be sent to Parliament, says Muturi

Kenya:President Uhuru Kenyatta is yet to send the list of the 16 Cabinet Secretaries they have nominated to Parliament for vetting.
National Assembly Speaker Mr Justin Muturi said yesterday he would table the list in Parliament once he receives it.
“The President has all the time to submit the list to Parliament and once that is done, I will issue communication from the chair and refer the list to the Appointment Committee to act on it,” Muturi said.
Muturi said the Appointment Committee would meet and come up with its programme for vetting the nominees, which will be communicated to the public.
“I want to appeal to the public to conduct themselves with decorum during the vetting process and not to be emotional when presenting their views,” Muturi said.
Muturi was speaking to The Standard and KTN journalists, after leading a team of MPs to the Nairobi home of Deputy Speaker Joyce Laboso to condole with her following the demise of her mother Rebecca Laboso last Wednesday.
Uhuru is expected to send the list of their nominees to Parliament for vetting before it is returned to him for appointment.
Deputy President William Ruto has said the list will be released by Wednesday this week so as to enable them embark on picking Principal Secretaries, ambassadors and those to head State corporations.
Sources close to the President and his Deputy told The Standard yesterday that the remaining two ministries were likely to go to professionals from the Maasai and Luhya communities.
Leaders from the Maasai community led by MPs  Joseph Nkaissery (ODM) and Gideon Konchella (URP), have accused the Jubilee Coalition of side-lining the community in the appointments.

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