Friday, March 1, 2013

VP and Ngilu line up for party nomination

By NATION REPORTER  ( email the author)

Posted  Thursday, February 28  2013 at  21:16
In Summary
  • Mr Kalonzo, who is the Cord presidential running mate, is listed number one in the Wiper party list for the National Assembly seats.

Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka and Water Minister Charity Ngilu now top the list of people angling for nominations after the Monday poll, according to a revised party list released by the polls team on Thursday.
Mr Kalonzo, who is the Cord presidential running mate, is listed number one in the Wiper party list for the National Assembly seats.
Others listed for parliamentary nominations are Bishop Robert Mutemi, Ms Hellen Ndeti, Mr Gideon Ndambuki and Mr Sammy Mbuva among others.
To the senate, Wiper has proposed Ms Nyiva Mwendwa, Ms Judy Achieng, Ms Shakila Abdallah and Ms Alice Maitha.
In the National Rainbow Coalition list, Mrs Ngilu, who is the party leader, is listed at the top for senatorial nomination.
Narc Chairman Fidelis Nguli is also listed number one among those seconded for nomination to the National Assembly.
In United Democratic Forum (UDF), presidential running mate Jeremiah Kioni has been dropped from the party’s list of nominees to Parliament.
Instead, the party has listed its chairman Hassan Aden among those seconded to benefit from nomination.
For the senate, UDF has proposed Ms Martha Wangari, Naisae Karia and Ms Nancy Gachoka for nomination.
In Safina, the party has listed former Rangwe MP Shem Ochuodho, who is the party’s presidential running mate, and Ms Jane Wangui for nomination to the National Assembly.
Make her way
ODM and TNA have maintained their earlier lists, where former Bondo MP Oburu Oginga — listed as farmer— is set to benefit from the first nomination slot in ODM to Parliament, while the party’s Executive Director Janet Ongera is still listed at the top among those proposed for nomination to the Senate.
Assistant minister Elizabeth Ongoro, Ms Hadija Abdile and Dr Agnes Nzami are listed for senatorial appointment.
Former nominated MP Amina Abdalla might make her way to Parliament for the third time through nomination as she is placed number one in the TNA list, which also includes the party’s Chairman Johnson Sakaja and Janet Teiyia.
Health Minister Beth Mugo, who announced her retirement from politics last year, leads the group of people proposed by the party for nomination to the Senate.

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