Friday, March 1, 2013

Mbaru: I won’t bow out of the race

By Geoffrey Mosoku
NAIROBI; KENYA: Nairobi gubernatorial candidate Jimnah Mbaruhas refuted claims that he is planning to step down ahead of Monday'€™selection.
Mbaru says contrary to speculation, he is in the race and will not cow in to any pressure to give up his ambitions.
Some people have been spreading rumours that I am stepping down for them. That'€™s a total lie, in any case they are the ones who are supposed to drop out in my favour,€ he said.
Mbaru of Alliance Party of Kenya (APK) exuded confidence that he will emerge victorious on Monday’s exercise saying he will beat his rivals since he has what it takes to the city’s first governor.
The APK or Bus party candidate was speaking at a Nairobi hotel on Friday evening after meeting over 1000 grassroots leaders from the Luyhia, Kamba, Kalenjin and Meru communities who reside in the city.
Accompanied by his running mate Ibrahim Ahmed alias Johhnie, Mbaru said once elected to office, he will build a big market for Miraa (Khat) traders who are mainly from the Meru community. He also promised to build a curio shop for tourists and also expand existing markets.
“We will allocate space for Miraa trade in the city so as to allow traders in the commodity have one place to sell the product.”
The former Nairobi Stock Exchange chairman pledged to improve infrastructure and construct low cost housing for the low income earners.
Currently, according to Mbaru Nairobi'€™s housing deficiency stands at about a half a million housing units; which he says his governorship will strive to bridge in five years.
“We will put up new housing structures such as bed sitters and one bedrooms which our youths who are struggling can afford to pay rent,€ he added.
Mbaru too promised to make Nairobi a 24-hour economy and transform it to a regional business hub to serve the African continent so as to create thousands of new jobs through foreign and local investments.
On his side, Johhnie appealed to their supporters to turn up in large numbers and vote peacefully on Monday. 
The community leaders said they were endorsing Mbaru’s candidature due to his experience saying his background makes him the best suited to become Nairobi’s CEO.
Apart from the NSE, Mbaru has served as the chairman of National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) and also the National Social and Economic Council (NASEC).
He faces ODM’s Evans Kidero, TNA'€™s Ferdinand Waititu, FPK’s Philip Kisia, Wiper’s Mutinda Kavemba and Narc’s Geoffrey Kobia.

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