Saturday, March 30, 2013

Corridors of Power

One of MP making her political debut has caused quite a stir among her male colleagues. They have all been seen trying to sit next to her and have all tried to get her contacts so that they can offer any assistance that she may require in navigating her way round the National Assembly. Their willingness to be of assistance was played out during a recent meeting in Karen where several MPs went out of their way to get her to give them her phone number.
Yet another of the young MPs making their political debut has become the talk of his colleagues and even among the electorate in one of the constituencies in the Rift Valley. The young man, after making his initial visit to the August House returned home with a truck flu of bars of cement. Its being said that the cement and other building materials were purchased with the Sh2million windfall which his nominating party gave the young man to conduct his campaigns. Instead of spending it on printing posters to plaster the constituency and give as handouts to the electorate, the young man printed just a few posters, got his friends to plaster them in strategic places in the constituency. His high school friends and colleagues volunteered their services and served as his agents during election day thereby saving him a huge sum of money. The young man who dropped out of university because of lack of school fees is now well on the way of putting up a permanent house at his home.
A recently elected Senator from Western Kenya has reportedly ensconced his mistress/wife in a palatial home in Karen which allegedly cost the man a pretty penny—Sh20 million if we are to believe our wags. Anyway, the man is spending even more to furnish the house where he spends his weekends and has been spotted several times pacing the balconies talking on the phone.
To ensure there was no slip up and no last-minute change in strategy—President-elect Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto were yesterday spotted marshaling their forces to ensure that Jubilee captured the Speakers seats in both the Senate and the Parliament.
It may not all be smiles and roses in the Jubilee camp especially among the women who succeeded in getting elected or nominated to the Senate and Parliament. Several of them were overheard talking about one of their own at the Great Rift Valley Lodge where the Jubilee coalition was hold its retreat. They described their elected colleague as being "combative and crafty' and claimed that if it was not for the 'stunt' she pulled last year, she would by now have disappeared into political oblivion.
The clerical staff at Parliament are saying the Mzalendo Kibunjia's National Cohesion and Integration Commission needs to take an interest in the ongoing hire of people to fill positions which were recently advertised. They are grumbling that those being appointed do not reflect the 'national fabric' and neither will they address the serious ethnic imbalance in the composition of the parliamentary staff.   They also allege that the recruitment is not being done on merit but is based on 'connections."

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