
Sunday, March 31, 2013

....And to President Elect Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta ponder upon this

....And to President Elect Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta ponder upon this;

First, Whereas we respect the supremacy of the constitution and fully accept the verdict of the supreme court, Many Kenyans do not believe that you actually won this election fair, square and straight.

They actually believe that Raila Amolo Odinga was the victor. They feel disenfranchised and have lost faith in elections and our sense of fair play. How will you renew their faith in you and make them feel the legitimacy of your government which is what gives you the moral authority to rule them ?.

Secondly, The 2013 General Election was a hard fought election that created deep fault lines that divided us along ethnic, ideological and sectoral lines. How does your government propose to heal these rifts and renew our sense of one nation and one people especially amidst the storm surrounding your re-election?

Thirdly, The ICC trials are still ahead of us. They will talk about how we butchered each other in 2007 and further raise national tensions amidst a nation trying to heal and come to terms with itself. What will your government do to ensure that we remain united and cohesive, whatever the ICC verdict or outcome?

These are a few among a Miriam challenges your young government will face.

I submit that your first priority and order of business must be to heal the nation of Kenya before we can move forward.

May health, strength and courage abundant be blessed upon you to rebuild Kenya and help us keep faith in the Kenyan Dream.

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