Friday, March 1, 2013

After ICC suspect SANG endorsed RAILA ODINGA , KALENJIN elders endorse UHURU KENYATTA

Friday March 1,2013 - Barely a day after International Criminal Court (ICC) suspect and radio presenter Joshua Arap Sang endorsed Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s Presidential bid, a group of Kalenjin Council of Elders from Sang’s backyard, have endorsed Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta for the top seat.

The Myoot (Kalenjin) leaders’ forum stated on Thursday that they had consulted widely with other political leaders and have settled on the son of Jomo.

Led by Major (Rtd) John Seii, they said that “It is within our culture and tradition to participate and influence the outcome of issues that require us to stand together”
They further urged Kenyans in general to turn up in large numbers on March 4thand vote for their preferred Presidential candidates.

The elders who were speaking in Eldoret town also urged the youth to shun violence during and after the polls.

They called on leaders who will be thrashed on March 4th, to concede defeat and support the winners.

“We call upon losers to demonstrate and maintain the integrity of good leadership and concede defeat or seek legal redress,”Seii said


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