
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

UHURU KENYATTA confident that ICC cases are bound to COLLAPSE

Wednesday, the 27th of February 2013 - Jubilee alliance flag bearer Uhuru Kenyatta today told a rally in Meru that the Kenyan cases at the International Criminal Court (ICC) are bound to collapse as time goes by.

Using the recent admission by ICC Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda that she now has a weakened case against former head of the Civil Service Francis Muthaura, Uhuru said that his case is also going to go the same way;

"The trumped up charges against former Head of Public Service Francis Muthaura have started collapsing," said the Deputy Prime Minister.

"If Muthaura's case is collapsing, is that not an indication even mine will go nowhere? he asked the throng.

Uhuru said that it was telling that the ICC Chief Prosecutor has "neither opposed the defence application for a postponement nor Muthaura's plea for his (case) to return to pre-trial" saying that it was a sign that the case she has built against them is weak.

The Kenyan ICC suspects have been buoyed by Bensouda’s request yesterday that the trial date be moved to August;

“An August 2013 start date would therefore provide the defence with several months after receiving the delayed disclosure witnesses’ identities and unredacted materials to review those materials and conduct the associated preparations before trial begins.” 

Besides Uhuru and Muthaura, the other ICC suspects are Jubilee alliance No.2 William Ruto and radio journalist Joshua arap Sang.

The ICC cases are a contentious subject in the upcoming polls with some pundits dubbing them the ‘ICC elections’.


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