
Thursday, February 28, 2013

RAILA/ KALONZO criss-cross RIFT VALLEY and WESTERN while warning on a UHURU/ RUTO Govt.

Thursday, the 28th of February 2013 -The two main principals in the Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD) have repeated their call for the alliance’s supporters to show up in large numbers on March 4th so that they can clinch victory in the first round.
CORD flag bearer PM Raila Odinga and his running mate Kalonzo Musyoka made the appeal at different campaign stops in the Rift Valley and in Western Kenyan today.

The two leaders addressed their supporters in Kitale, Bungoma town, Malaba border and Busia stadium as they intensified their campaigns with just three days to the elections.
In Kitale, Raila told CORD supporters that only numbers will count come Monday;

"Come next Monday, I call upon each one of you to turn up in large numbers, vote as a block in favour of CORD and I know we shall win in the first round and as from March 5 we are going to start marching towards true change and transformation of this country,” said the PM.

Raila added that CORD’s competition in the election was busy spreading rumors and propaganda and not policies;

"Be wary of conmen who are peddling propaganda and empty rhetoric that would not benefit any Kenyan. They have nothing new to offer you, therefore, you must reject them,” he said.
Musyoka echoed Raila’s sentiments in Trans Nzoia saying that elections are determined by the people who show up;

"The secret of winning in the first round is for you voters to turn out in large numbers and vote, we will implement the new Constitution to the letter and liberate this country,” said the VP.

Musyoka added that a run-off would set the country back about Ksh 6 billion and that money would be better spent on development.


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