Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Olando’s bid suffers blow as leaders back Shitanda

Olando has said he is still in the

By Peter Atsiaya
Kakamega, Kenya: Kakamega UDF gubernatorial candidate Paul Olando’s woes in Amani alliance deepened after leaders said they would not back his bid.
Olando found himself in a tight corner during a campaign rally organised by the coalition’s presidential candidate Musalia Mudavadi to drum up support for Shinyalu UDF parliamentary candidate Justus Kizito at Shibuye shopping centre.
Avoid embarrassment
Leaders told Olando to his face that they would support his rival on New Ford-Kenya ticket and Housing Minister Soita Shitanda for the seat.
The former Nyanza PC watched as politicians led by Dr Bonny Khalwale and Kizito dismissed his candidature and declared their support for Shitanda who was also present. It was Mr Kizito, the immediate former Shinyalu MP who started it all by urging Olando to step down to avoid embarrassment on elections day.
“I have respect for Olando as a leader but I want to tell him that Shitanda is our choice in UDF,” said Kizito amid cheers from the crowd.
Khalwale said Shitanda had agreed to give Olando the position of County Chief Executive Officer if he wins the seat. When Olando rose to speak he said he had a good relationship with Shitanda adding that he would not relent in his bid for the seat.
Mudavadi in his speech kept off the saga and asked residents to back his bid for presidency.

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