
Monday, February 25, 2013

LIVE TEXT: Presidential debate II

This marks the end of the presidential debate. Presidential candidates and their families interact on the platform.
James ole Kiyiapi: I am in this because I want to improve our economy, I want to bring national unity because we are the change we have been waiting for. This is about the destiny of our nation.
Musalia Mudavadi: I am the alternative that will not polarise you. I want us to move together to have a robust economy. I will provide a realistic agenda.
Paul Muite: I will do an audit of revenue collection. I will ensure that every Kenyan has enough food to eat and affordable healthcare. I will invest heavily on agriculture.
Martha Karua: Our children will not sell their kidneys to afford education.
Raila Odinga: Country is at a cross-roads. The decision we make will determine whether we shall continue with the status quo or change. We want to discharge economy from the ward. We want create a working economy. It can be done if we create a more efficient economy.
Abduba Dida: You have a God loves you. Our problems should lead us together.
Uhuru Kenyatta: This country requires a new beginning, but not a beginning based on the past. We should no longer focus on problems, but focus on solution. We shall ensure this country deals with issues of equity, that devolution is executed and better utilisation of our resources
Peter Kenneth: Debate was about Kenyans seeing the depth that I have. I present the right choice, we need to elect the right choice. Elect me.
10:30 The money for resettlement of IDPs is there but everybody is selfish. There is no humanity - Dida
10:28 Uasin Gichu has the highest concentration of squatters. There are big farms there owned by international companies. We need to take some blocks to resettle the landless - Muite
10:25: It is true that there were few in government who took resettlement as an opportunity to enrich themselves - Karua
10:23 The truth about resettlement was that money was available. But those with big farms, and they are known, offered their lands to be purchased at exorbitant prices - Mudavadi
10:21 In 100 days, you will see no squatter in this country - Kenneth
10:17 Arguments over which buy to land in the Ministry of Land is what slowed settlement of IDPs, its was not about lack of finance. Tussle in Lands ministry is what stopped many farms from being purchased and distributed to IDPs - Uhuru
10:15 We will look at ways of settling these people. There are those who were chased from the Mau forest and politics was used to malign people's names - Raila
QUESTION: How will you deal with the land issue from where IDPs were chased from in the post-election violence?
10:10 We will ensure that a title is issued to the Kibera community and ensure there is wealth creation in that land. We want that land not to belong to somebody, but to the community - Uhuru
10:08 Kibera land question. We agreed on communal titles, not individual titles. The area has been surveyed. Some went to court and there is an injunction. We are going to ensure equity in distribution of land - Raila
10:06 The issue of buying alternative land for IDPs, what guarantee do they have they will not be chased from there - Muite
10:02 We must be prepared to start saying what can we do to rationalise the land issue. And it starts with the land owner because the more we delay, the more people get impatient - Mudavadi
10:00 Marginalised communities must be safeguarded from market forces that they do not even understand - Kiyiapi
9:57 Unless we deal with this issue conclusively, we will never get out of it. It will recur in every election -Kenneth

9:57 Unless we deal with this issue conclusively, we will never get out of it. It will recur in every election -Kenneth
9:55 Molasses plant: This plant was acquired through an auction. The government had acquired the land from the people compulsorily. But we paid the full cost of the auction. Once the company lists in the stock exchange, share will be issued to the people who contribute to the purchase of the plant - Raila.
9:53 There's no way you can hide what one owns in terms of land. What matters is for Kenya to find a formula to rationalise some of the problem. The economic use of the land is what should matter. These are the issues the land commission should address - Mudavadi
9:48 Its indeed true we own 30, 00 acres in Taita Taveta. Those who were squatters in our land have been settled in that land - Kenyatta
FACT CHECK: The Arable land (hectares) in Kenya was 5,400,000 in 2009, according to a World Bank report, published in 2010. Arable land (hectares per person) in Kenya is 0.1 per cent.
PUNCHLINE: Uhuru Kenyatta is an innocent inheritor, he did not commit the original sin - Raila
9:46 Its not just in Kiambu where we have a problem in land, we have problems in the 47 counties. As President, I will take an oath to protect the constitution and I will do so - Kenyatta
9:44 No organisation has ever accused me of any impropriety on land. I do own land and it is declared. Those documents are available - Kenyatta
9:43 I have never been implicated in any land impropriety. The land we own as a family is land that has been purchased on basis of willing buyer, willing seller. But we recognise the need to deal with this problem - Kenyatta
9:40 Kenyans must be educated on the contents of the Ndungu report
9:38 At independence, the land issue was never addressed. Coast, Central and Rift Valley are hot areas. We now have a land policy, what is required is to provide an enabling environment. I will make strong representations to the land commission to cancel titles of land that has been grabbed - Muite
9:34 Land issue is a serious matter in Kenya. It affects many people. I will use legal mechanisms and a process that is transparent over land. There is no one person who can fix this matter - Kiyiapi
PUNCHLINE: You cannot allow a hyena to protect your goats - Raila
9;32 I believe there is enough land for each of our needs. Land was at the centre of our independence but we still have squatters in their own country. What we did was to have clear policy on land - Raila
9:30 We (Kenyatta family) have not in any place acquired land except through willing buyer and willing seller - Kenyatta
9:28 Land is an emotive issue in Kenya. and the manner it has been handle is not professional. We have in detail laid out how we intend to deal with the land question. The Land Commission will be given independence to deal with the land question. Nobody has ever pointed out that I have been engaged in any land impropriety - Kenyatta
9:26 Uhuru Kenyatta's family is the largest land owner in Kenya. I do believe, such a person is less suite to implement what is expected Karua
9:24 Its important to have somebody who has clean hands to handle the land policy. We need to look at some historical injustices that took place - Kenneth
QUESTION: Are some of presidential candidates land grabbers?
9:23 The second part of the presidential debate stars. Topic is on land and natural resorces.
9:06 First part of the debate on the economy ends. Second part to be moderated by KTN's Joe Ageyo.
PUNCHLINE: Jesus could not ride home in a convoy of six vehicles - Dida
9:00 We as leaders incite people to fight, yet our children are safe. - Karua
8:57 Political parties must not incite people along ethnic line. Election commission also needs to be above board - Raila
8:54 We have a new constitution on transparency in the election commission. There's no reason for any leader to call for mass action, we have institutions to deal with these matter. We should not also allow for ethnic animosity. Strengthening of these institution will ensure that elections will just be an event. A peaceful election next Monday will give investors confidence - Uhuru.
8:52 What drives election in Kenya is nothing but raw power. I will give back power to the people. We must also make sure the institutions that manage these process are given empowerment - Kiyiapi
8:50 This economy is not growing and we can't even achieve Vision 2030. For me security is very important - Kenneth
Question: How do ensure elections do not affect the economy?

8:44 Power Sharing deal: We did not go to the court because the judiciary was partisan. We agreed for the sake of the country on a compromise. What we did was for the sake of peace in the country and holn on until the next election. There was not chance for a repeat of the election and therefore we had to act in the best interest of the country - Raila.
PUNCHLINE: Did you expect a thief to accept that they have stolen? Dida
8:40 2007 Elections debacle: Its true that we opposition shares appointments on ECK. Mr Odinga was a member of Narc, there were no parties to consult except Kanu. We did not have people to consult with. We instead consulted MPs from each region - Karua
8:38 Goldenberg scandal: Its on record that i stopped further payment to Goldenberg. I singly came out and moved the motion in Parliament to stop the scandal - Mudavadi
8:34 Molasses saga: It was a government project turned sour. It was then sold through an auction. There is no corruption in that - Raila.
8:31 While we say no money was lost in the Minitry of Education, the British government demanded for a refund and we did refund from taxpayers money.
PUNCHLINE: If you can't beat this government and the corruption cartels, you join them - Dida
8:24 Computer error in the budget: The matter was investigated and it was found to be an error. I have never been accused of any financial impropriety - Uhuru
8:23 Kenyans working abroad as househelps: We have to take advantage on any opportunity that can save our people, whether internally or externally - Dida
8:21 NHIF scandal: CEO of the NHIF was suspended and even the board was suspended. There was no evidence linking the minister to the scandal - Raila
8:20 I asked officers mentioned in the Maize scandal to step aside including ministers and permanent secretaries, but my action was countermanded. - Raila
8:18 Kazi Kwa Vijana was conceived in good faith. My office was merely co-ordinating, execution was done by six line ministries. About 300, 000 jobs were created for the youth. We carried out an audit and it was found out there were some audit issues and action was taken. The World Bank eventually gave a clean bill health - Raila
8;16 The Anglo Leasing scandal came out under my tenure. As minister I printed an advert to explain the whole thing and on my recommendation ministers stepped aside. - Karua
8:11 I terminated the Goldenberg scheme when I was appointed Minister of Finance. Parliament did their investigations and I maintained I was not involved - Mudavadi.
8:09 It was a campaign to silence me on the scandal. The Bosire commission did not mention Mr Muite. There isn't an iota of truth on that. Individuals around me may have received money, but Mr Muite never received any money - Muite
Question: Corruption: Mr Muite, to explain involvement in Goldenberg scandal
8:07 Current expenditure too high. I will have the pay of the president is reduced - Raila
8:06 I will not only recommend a freeze on salaries of the top 10 per cent, but they have to pay it back - Dida
8:04 I will recommend freeze on salaries of Kenya top 10. We must ensure our public officers are paid reasonable wages - Uhuru
8:02 The Ksh 8,000 is not sustainable. Kenyans spend 70 per cent of their earning on food alone. If we want to help Kenyans, we must make sure that food is cheaper. Cost of fuel is prohibitive. We can rationalise Kenya's salary laws - Mudavadi
8:00 The minimum wage should be a wage able to give Kenyans a decent living. Taxation policies on SMEs should nurture them because there's a limit the businesses can afford. We must therefore have policies that expand the economy - Muite
7:57 Its important to review rate of inflation and cushion against factors that are external like when the dollar appreciates against the shilling. We laos need to expand our economy to create opportunities - Kenneth
7:55 We should have a wage that ensures people have a decent life. We are focusing on reducing cost of agriculture to ensure each individual should have a decent life. During my tenure I was under intense pressure from MPs on this issue of salaries - Uhuru.
7:50 My government will not accept figures given . Its a formula that matters for example whether payment should be pegged on academic qualification. My government will push for Equity - Dida
7:48 We are going to have tripartite arrangement between government unions and industry to know the cost of living and that's what should determine the living wage. For us to grow we must be competitive7. If wages are too high for the economy, we will lose. The cost of living is not static - Raila
7:46 Its a question of having strong labour movements so that they have the strength to negotiate with industry. Wages depend on how much government is putting in in terms of social services. This takes a combined effort between industry and government - Karua
7:44 Government, employers, unions should look at a sustainable level of the minimum wage. Labour unrests not good to the economy - Kiyiapi
7:43 Question: What do you feel the minimum wage should be?
7:40 All presidential candidates are on the stage. The national anthem. The first section will be on the economy.
7:36 Lights, camera, action. Live transmission of the debate starts.
FACT CHECK: The Arable land (hectares) in Kenya was 5,400,000 in 2009, according to a World Bank report, published in 2010. Arable land (hectares per person) in Kenya is 0.1 per cent.
7:23 The presidential candidates are in the backstage with their families and campaign teams.
7:14 All the eight presidential candidates have arrived at Brookhouse International School. The Presidential Debate set to kick-off at 7.30pm
7:06 Jubilee Alliance's Uhuru Kenyatta arrives at the venue of the debate accompanied by his wife Margaret Kenyatta. (READ: Uhuru's debate boycott 'sign of cowardice')
6:53 Cord's presidential candidate Prime Minister Raila Odinga has arrived at the venue of the debate accompanied by his wife Ida Odinga.
6:47 Amani coalition Presidential candidate Musalia Mudavadi arrives at the venue of the debate. James ole Kiyiapi (RBK) and Abdiba Dida (ARC) have also arrived.
6:40 The topics for today's debate are land, economics and foreign policy. Moderators are KTN's Joe Ageyo and Citizen TV's Uduak Amimo.
You can also watch the #KEDebate13 live on the internet on and
6:30 The debate's organisers have this time placed look - alike 8 lecterns for all the presidential candidates
6:25 Read Nation’s Managing Editor for Special Projects Macharia Gaitho take on what to expect from the second and final episode of the Presidential Debate 2013. (What to expect in the final presidential debate)
6:20 Welcome to our live text of Kenya's second presidential debate ahead of the general election. Presidential candidates Paul Muite (Safina), Martha Karua (Narc Kenya) and Peter Kenneth (KNC) have arrived at the Brookhouse International School, venue of the presidential debate.

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