
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Karua casts doubt on Jubilee over ICC

Narc Kenya presidential candidate Martha Karua and her running mate Augustine Chemonges Lotodo in this file photo. Karua asked Uhuru Kenyatta and his running mate William Ruto to relinquish their ambitions until they are cleared by the ICC.
By PHILIP BWAYO  ( email the author)

Posted  Saturday, February 2  2013 at  00:30
In Summary
  • Narc Kenya leader says she has no personal issues with Uhuru or Ruto but they should put on hold ambition for top seat

Presidential candidate Martha Karua on Friday said she had no personal issues with TNA’s flag bearer and his deputy but said it would have been good if they could relinquish their ambitions until they are cleared at the ICC.
She said it was hypocritical of them to expect the country to be left with a power vacuum when they were away.
Ms Karua asked Jubilee Coalition’s presidential candidate Uhuru Kenyatta and his running mate William Ruto to relinquish their ambitions until they are cleared by The Hague based court, where they are charged with crimes against humanity.
Speaking at Makutano Stadium in West Pokot during the home coming of her running mate Augustine Lotodo, Ms Karua said: “They should first think of clearing their names at the ICC because they cannot expect to run this country like a shop so that when they leave to face their cases all businesses come to a standstill.”
The Narc-Kenya leader cast doubts on Jubilee’s presidential bid wondering how its captain and deputy would run the country, if elected, when they were expected to spend time at The Hague defending themselves.
The former Gichugu MP also hit at Cord and Amani presidential candidates saying that they could not be trusted to transform the country as they are claiming in their campaigns, when they had done nothing to wipe out mass corruption in the government yet they hold influential positions.
“The Prime Minister and his two deputies are telling Kenyans that they will champion for economic growth and eliminate corruption yet they have done nothing in their capacities to wipe out mega graft scandals that were witnessed in the current government,” she noted
Ms Karua also took issue with candidates who are banking their hopes on pollsters’ ratings wondering why they are hunting for votes on a daily basis if they had an upper hand as claimed.
She added that she was the only candidate who had shown that she had the interest of Kenyans at heart since she chose her deputy from a marginalised community whereas her competitors focused on ethnic numeric.
Mr Lotodo, called on West Pokot residents to back her presidential bid saying the fact that she had selected him was proof that she would fight for the disadvantaged.
Ms Karua will be in Trans Nzoia on Saturday in her six-day tour of North Rift and Western Province.

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