
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ignore leaflets, Cord urges its supporters

A member of the Cord communication committee, Mr Ochieng Mbeo, (right) addresses a press conference at Cord centre on Febaruary 27, 2013. PHOTO / EMMA NZIOKA
By LUCAS BARASA  ( email the author)

Posted  Wednesday, February 27  2013 at  16:44

The Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (Cord) has told its supporters to ignore leaflets being circulated in parts of the country.
The leaflets, according to Cord, are asking members of certain communities to vacate areas where they had registered as voters.
A member of the Cord communication committee, Mr Ochieng Mbeo, said Cord supporters should remain where they registered to vote and turn up in large numbers to cast their votes on Monday.
“Cord wishes to remind its supporters across the country that their vote counts, and that it will determine the destiny of this country. Falling prey to empty threats by losers who are throwing the go-away leaflets is denying yourself a chance to bring change in Kenya,” Mr Mbeo said at Cord Centre in Nairobi.
The coalition distanced itself from leaflets being spread in Kisumu that are telling members of the Luhya community to leave, saying it is the work of its detractors.
“The Cord states here categorically that the Luhya and Luo people have for many years co-existed peacefully, they eat, drink and communicate with each other in a language they understand and such leaflets can only come from our detractors. Cord urges Kisumu residents to ignore such threats and vote peacefully,” Mr Mbeo said.
The coalition welcomed Jubilee Coalition’s leader Uhuru Kenyatta admission that his family owns 30,000 acres of land in Taita Taveta.
Mr Mbeo claimed Mr Kenyatta’s family owned more than 500,000 acres of land countrywide and urged the Jubilee candidate to state who sold the land to them.
“Mr Kenyatta said his family acquired the massive chunk of land they own across the country on a willing buyer, willing seller basis. This is a good terminology in business world. But now, Mr Kenyatta should come out clearly and tell the Kenyan public who these willing sellers were in all the transactions across the country,” Mr Mbeo said.
He also called on Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission to investigate whether Mr Kenyatta had committed an electoral offense by stating that his family had given 4,000 acres of land in Taita Taveta to squatters “as this amounts to bribing voters during electioneering period.”
Mr Mbeo accused Jubilee Coalition of booking all key venues in Nairobi from Thursday to Saturday to lock out Cord from holding its final rally in them.
He however said Cord would hold its final rally at Nyayo stadium on Saturday.
Separately, a Kenya National Congress candidate for South Imenti constituency Mr Corenelius Muturi Mwega has complained that his rivals are holding night meetings with voters.
Mr Mwega’s chief campaigner, Charles Muriangi urged IEBC to ensure candidates adhered to electoral code of conduct and that the March 4 elections are free, fair and transparent.

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