
Tuesday, February 26, 2013


In the terrain of propaganda, there’s always the use of wisdom. Propaganda requires intelligence and the use of people’s names to propagate lies is uncouth and dangerous.

This means, whoever is posting propaganda that Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka who is also the CORD running mate has send a leading Counsel to negotiate with the Jubilee Lawyers on the possibility of him being accommodated in the Jubilee Alliance is either doing so with the consent of the lawyers he has mentioned or not.

It is a pity that the author of that information has authoritatively invoked the names of the Counsels which may be tarnished if the whole story as it is false.

For records purposes, Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka is fully embedded and CORDED and the propaganda is only intended to take away some votes from CORD, but we are telling our opponents ‘sorry, this won’t happen’.

Kenyans vividly remember very well how Hon. Kalonzo was told off by the Jubilee luminaries with no respect as was Hon. Musalia Mudavadi with total disregard to their statuses in society.

The propaganda by the Jubilee Alliance could also be intended to entice Hon. Mudavadi to go back to Jubilee or back them, having noticed how badly they were going to be defeated by CORD in next Monday’s General Election.

But why would one want to get back to Jubilee Alliance whose leadership has got so many hurdles and challenges, something that Hon. Mudavadi has eloquently elaborated in public? Hon. Kalonzo has always dismissed them as a bunch of leaders who cannot be trusted.

As a matter of interest and fact, the said Lawyers, Mr. Kioko Kilukumi, who is purportedly representing the Vice President in the said talks, is in the team of Lawyers representing Hon. William Ruto at the Hague same to Mr. Evans Monari who is a lead Counsel in Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta’s legal team to the Hague. Mr. Jasper Mbiuki is TNA’s Legal Secretary as is Mr. Kipchumba Murkomen who acts for URP; both parties are partners in the Jubilee Alliance.

Surely, this is like sending hyenas to represent a goat in a court of law. The goat may not reach the courts; they would consume it before then.

Philip Etale,

CORD Communication’s Coordinator.


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