
Friday, February 1, 2013

Eight in State House race to get bodyguards

Presidential escort  guard President Mwai Kibaki in his official vehicle on September 08, 2011. The Head of Civil Service Francis Kimemia was on Thursday January 31, 2013 making arrangements to provide security detail to the eight candidates. Their running mates will receive protection too as well as their homes and offices. PHOTO/WILLIAM OERI
By NATION TEAM  ( email the author)

Posted  Thursday, January 31  2013 at  22:30
In Summary
  • Candidates who already enjoy State protection due to their positions will have their security boosted

Homes and offices of the eight candidates cleared by the polls agency to run for the presidency will be placed under government security throughout the campaign period.
Their running mates will also be provided with State security.
Head of Civil Service Francis Kimemia was on Thursday making arrangements for the security detail for Prime Minister Raila Odinga (Cord), Deputy Prime Ministers Uhuru Kenyatta (Jubilee) and Musalia Mudavadi (Amani).
He was also making the arrangements for assistant minister Peter Kenneth (Eagle), former Gichugu MP Martha Karua (Narc Kenya), ex-permanent secretary James ole Kiyiapi (RBK), former Kabete MP Paul Muite (Safina) and businessman Mohamed Abduda Dida (ARK).
The running mates who will also receive security are Mr Kalonzo Musyoka (Cord), Mr William Ruto (Jubilee), Mr Jeremiah Kioni (Amani), Mr Ronnie Osumba (Eagle), Mr Augustine Lotodo (Narc Kenya), Mrs Winnie Kaburu Kinyua (RBK), Dr Shem Ochuodho (Safina) and Mr Joshua Odongo Onono (ARK).
Mr Odinga, Mr Musyoka, Mr Kenyatta and Mr Mudavadi, who enjoy State protection by virtue of their status in government, will have their security boosted.
Prof Kiyiapi’s security will also be enhanced.
On Thursday, Prof Kiyiapi and Mr Muite said they were entitled to State security during their campaign period.
Prof Kiyiapi said he had spoken to Mr Kimemia on the security matter since he was yet to receive more bodyguards in addition to the two who were assigned to him as a PS.
“We need to be told the standard detail all of us should expect,” he said.
Mr Muite said the country would have to wait for three months if one of the presidential candidates dies.
Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission chairman Issack Ahmed Hassan said the legal provisions on the security of candidates must be strictly adhered to.

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